An Indian Girl and her White Friend

Independent publisher

Lochan Trivedi and Tayla Alexander sit down together to redefine how we talk about culture, sexuality, ethnicity and identity. This is a podcast which spotlights risk takers, trend setters and culture changers, and challenges the status-quo. We are representative of the global melting pot and the younger generation of Kiwis who are part of the global village in how we were born and raised. We are bringing you conversations that are off-beat, cool, quirky and just downright interesting. We are two young women who want to find out how successful people in their fields made a start. We are getting into the nitty gritty of the professional world and pop culture while having a laugh along the way. Stay tuned to stay sharp, and be in for a sensational time – this is An Indian Girl and her White Friend podcast. read less
Società e culturaSocietà e cultura
