1Irresponsible Homogeneous Space
23K265/300e:Theta (Plaid Star Over RazzleFlabbenz Island)
456789Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters
101112Dance of the Men From Neptune
13Waltz of the Venus Fly Traps
14Zebras and Apricots Do Not Mix Will in the Sun
151617Irving's Indefinite Integral
18Sibylline Postdiluvian Decay (Infinite Xaos)
192021Too Shy Shy (Heaven Is a Place On Earth Overdub)
22232425The Strings are Electric but the Plate is Dry
26Gravitar and the Black Widow Conversion
27Songs of the Black Hole and the Bass
2829Black–Scholes (pilot wave)
30Melodies Escaping the Black Hole (a Singularity in Diffusion)
31323334353637793 enfields (793 e minor)
3839Skipping to a Quasar (Waiting for the Floor to Drop)
404142A Least Common Notion of the Expansion of the Non-Existance
434445Least Absolute Deviations
46The Attack of the Acantharians
47484950A Quark and a Boson Meet Over a Cup of Tea
5152The Meditation of Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone (Awareness)
5354555657585960Coming to Grasp with Reality
61Bad 80s Sub Pop Bass and Drum
62636465 ℗© 2017: Llort Jr