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Eve Karpf
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1. Frog & Toad - Christina Rossetti
Eve Karpf
2. The City Mouse And The Country Mouse - Christina Rossetti
Eve Karpf
3. Lambs At Play - Christina Rossetti
Eve Karpf
4. Emily Bronte - A Day Dream
Eve Karpf
5. Emily Bronte - Remembrance
Eve Karpf
6. Elizabeth Barrett Browning - If Thou Must Love Me Let It Be for Nought
Eve Karpf
7. Emily Bronte - The Night Wind
Eve Karpf
8. Emily Bronte - Come Walk with Me
Eve Karpf
9. The Lamb - William Blake
Eve Karpf [feat. Ghizela Rowe]
10. John Clare - Little Trotty Wagtail
Eve Karpf
11. Christina Rossetti - Remember
Eve Karpf
12. When We Two Parted - Lord Byron
Eve Karpf