AFCLC TV: Partnerships for PME


12-11-2023 • 0 secondi

Welcome to the Air Force’s Global Classroom! On today’s episode of #AFCLCTV, we’ll chat with NCO Academy Program Manager MSgt Aaron Haygood and Superintendent of EPME Academic Affairs SMSgt Anisa Haney at the Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Professional Military Education on the use of AFCLC’s Culture Guide app courses for enlisted professional military education. #AFCLCTV #EPME #usaf #CultureGuideApp #AFCLCGlobalClassroom #WeAreAFCLC Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed or implied in the contents of this video are those of the authors. They should not be construed as carrying the official sanction of the Department of Defense, Air Force, Air Education and Training Command, Air University, or other agencies or departments of the U.S. government or their international equivalents. In addition, the use of ‘Zoom’ or any other communication media used in this video are not promoted by Air University or the U.S. Air Force.

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