NonCensored is usually a weekly round up of Harriet Langley-Swindon's very popular, very real daily radio show, completely non-Censored (but with all of the rubbish edited out), but this week, it's a little bit different.
This week Harriet and Producer Martin are joined by Diversity Correspondent Eshaan Akbar to go through the mailbag and answer YOUR questions.
What to do about the PC Police?
Should the show embrace Qanon?
What TV show would Nadhim Zahawi do best on?
...and more.
If you have a question for the next Time For Questions episode, send a voicenote or email to or we'll have to just make some up.
Thanks to Rosie Holt (@RosieIsAHolt), Brendan Murphy (@NotMurphy), Eshaan Akbar (@EshaanAkbar) and Ed Morrish.
Tickets for Rosie's show, The Woman's Hour, are available here.
Tickets for Brendan's show, Buffy Revamped, are available here.
Tickets for Eshaan's show, The Pretender, are available here.
Show photography by Karla Gowlett ( and show design by Chris Barker ( Music and jingles by Paddy Gervers & Rob Sell (
NonCensored is a Lead Mojo production (
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