The Lazy Girl's Guide to Podcasting: Podcasting Tips for How to Start and Run a Podcast

Verity Sangan

This show is for you if you are searching for podcasting tips, how to podcast, and answers to podcasting questions such as: - How do I start a podcast without feeling overwhelmed? - What equipment do I need? - Is there an easy way to start a podcast? - How do I get my podcast on Apple Podcasts? - How do I get my podcast on Spotify? - How do I promote my podcast? - What should I podcast about? - And so much more… Welcome to "The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Podcasting," your go-to podcast for bite-sized, actionable strategies tailored for anyone diving into the world of podcasting. When I started podcasting in 2020, I found that there wasn't enough information available in a quick and easy way to understand and implement. I figured it out on my own, but it was a slow journey before I started ranking multiple times in the Apple Podcast charts, in multiple countries. This podcast is for you if you want actionable podcasting tips delivered succinctly and without the BS. Tune in and discover the joy of creating your podcast with ease. read less


Ep 101: Why Podcast Stats are Complete BS
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Ep 101: Why Podcast Stats are Complete BS
In this episode, I dive into the world of podcasting statistics, shedding light on the potential inaccuracies and unreliability of common metrics. Don't solely judge your podcast's success based on numbers like episode count or downloads. Success is more than reaching arbitrary thresholds – it's about creating meaningful content that resonates with your audience!Remember, podcast ranking metrics can be misleading and vary across platforms. Look beyond the numbers to truly understand your podcast's performance and impact. Keep creating authentic content, and don't get discouraged by the stats!Highlights:Discussing the misleading and unreliable nature of podcasting statistics and rankings.Exploring different measurements used to determine a podcast's ranking.Challenging the significance of being in the top percentage of podcasts for success.Highlighting the flaws in commonly used podcasting metrics.Questioning the validity of defining podcast success based on episode count or download numbers.The variability of podcast ranking metrics across platforms and criteria.Timestamps:00:00:00 Intro00:00:35 Why Podcasting Statistics are Absolute BS00:05:09 Exploring Podcasting Statistics and Rankings00:10:43 Understanding Podcast Ranking Metrics and Statistics📧 Subscribe to the newsletter:✅ Podcast Launch Checklist and Episode Planner –🎉 Grow Your Podcast Audience 5-day Email Challenge –🙋‍♀️ Podcasting – Getting Your Business Heard –
Ep 98: Should I Quit My Podcast? - from The Vault
Ep 98: Should I Quit My Podcast? - from The Vault
From the vault we are diving back into episode 43: Should I Quit My Podcast!Are you thinking of quitting your podcast? In this episode, we explore the taboo topic of wanting to quit or take a break from podcasting. Quitting your podcast doesn't equate to failure, but it's important to consider your reasons for wanting to quit before you actually give up your podcast.I'll discuss the common reasons why podcasters give up podcasting, such as a lack of immediate results or effective strategies. We also talk about the attrition rate of podcasters, with many quitting before their eighth episode due to unrealistic expectations and time commitments.I'll then go through six signs that indicate it might be time to quit, including loss of passion, running out of quality content, and feeling overwhelmed. Instead of quitting outright, we'll also discuss taking a break from podcasting to re-evaluate your podcasting goals and strategies.📧 Subscribe to the newsletter: equipment:🎙 Riverside:🎙 Blue Yeti Microphone:🎙 iPhone:✅ Podcast Launch Checklist and Episode Planner –🎉 Grow Your Podcast Audience 5-day Email Challenge –🙋‍♀️ Podcasting – Getting Your Business Heard –
Ep 96: Do You HAVE to Wear Headphones When Recording Your Podcast Episodes? with Ash from Shure
Ep 96: Do You HAVE to Wear Headphones When Recording Your Podcast Episodes? with Ash from Shure
In this episode, we have an insightful conversation with Ash from Shure about the world of microphones, particularly focusing on Shure's prominent models like the SM7B. Ash explains why Shure microphones have a stellar reputation in podcasting and music production, offering tips for achieving high-quality recordings. The discussion also delves into the importance of environment, microphone proximity, and equipment quality - Ash's podcasting tips about recording are invaluable to any podcaster! Additionally, Ash highlights the benefits of using headphones during podcasting for better voice monitoring and consistency.Episode mentioned: Ep 65: How Expensive Does Your Microphone Need to Be? with Adam Schaeuble from Podcasting Business School ➡️ Introduction to Shure Microphones with Ash00:14 The Legacy of Shure's SM7B Microphone01:41 Tips for Better Podcasting Audio Quality03:25 The Importance of Using Headphones While Podcasting04:05 Closing Thoughts📧 Subscribe to the newsletter:✅ Podcast Launch Checklist and Episode Planner –🎉 Grow Your Podcast Audience 5-day Email Challenge –🙋‍♀️ Podcasting – Getting Your Business Heard –
Ep 95: Does Individual Episode Artwork Affect Your Podcast Downloads?
Ep 95: Does Individual Episode Artwork Affect Your Podcast Downloads?
Back in episode 38, we talked about Apple Podcasts introducing episodic podcast covers - that is, each podcast episode can have its own bespoke artwork; a little bit like a YouTube thumbnail. Nearly a year later, I'm now reviewing the effectiveness of individual podcast episode artwork to see if its made any difference to my downloads or listenership at all.🌟 Listen to Ep 34: Is Apple Podcasts Turning Into YouTube? ➡️ of episode thumbnails on podcasts to video thumbnails on YouTube for attracting listeners.My experience of creating unique podcast artwork for each episode, including going back to previous episodes.The effectiveness of episode graphics in increasing podcast listenership.My promotional strategy for The Lazy Girl's Guide to Podcasting podcast across various platforms like Twitter, TikTok, and blog posts.Importance of considering the time and effort required for maintaining consistent episode graphics.Timestamps:00:00:00 Intro00:01:03 Apple Podcasts Episode Thumbnails: A YouTube Strategy for Podcasting?00:02:09 Creating Podcast Artwork00:03:19 The Impact of Episode Graphics on Podcast Listenership00:05:03 Effectiveness of Episode Graphics in Podcast Promotion00:07:12 Importance of Individual Podcast Episode Graphics00:07:55 Exploring the Impact of Using Episodic Graphics for Podcast Episodes📧 Subscribe to the newsletter:✅ Podcast Launch Checklist and Episode Planner –🎉 Grow Your Podcast Audience 5-day Email Challenge –🙋‍♀️ Podcasting – Getting Your Business Heard –
Ep 94: Taking Your Podcast from Audio-Only to a Video Podcast - with Kendall from
Ep 94: Taking Your Podcast from Audio-Only to a Video Podcast - with Kendall from
In this episode, I'm joined by Kendall from Riverside, and we're recording this episode at the Podcast Show London. Kendall and I have been trying to get together for almost a year now to record an episode. Our schedules and timezones just haven't aligned until this event when I basically accosted her at the Riverside booth. No time like the present, right?We start by chatting about the rise of video podcasting, which a fun quiz at the Spotify booth revealed is the fastest growing segment of podcasting right now. Kendall shares her insights on why video is taking off - it allows creators to connect with their audience in a more personal way and repurpose content for social media. Her top tip? Just start recording video alongside your audio recordings. Don't overcomplicate it at first. Simply use a tool like Riverside's video recording capabilities to capture video versions. Then see how you like working with that video content before potentially expanding into a bigger video strategy.We also discuss the tendency creators have to want to do ALL THE THINGS right away, when a gradual buildup is much more sustainable. As Kendall says, the flashy "overnight successes" you see have usually been quietly creating for 5+ years beforehand.Check out past episodes I've done reviewing Riverside's tools:👉 Ep 17: Everything You Need To Know To Record Your Podcast Remotely 🎧📹 Full Tutorial for Beginners 2023 | Record, Edit, and Produce Your Podcast 🔉 Riverside for free ➡️ challenges of scheduling, time zones, and work commitments in organizing the conversationGrowth of video podcasting in recent quartersTransition from audio to video podcastingEnhancing connection with the audience through video podcastingAdvice on incorporating video into podcasting efforts graduallyReaching a wider audience through video podcastingCreating engaging content for video podcastsImportance of meeting listeners where they already areImportance of audio quality in remote recordingsTimestamps:00:00:00 Intro00:01:25 Discussion on the Growth of Video Podcasting00:02:43 The Rise of Video Podcasting00:06:47 Discussing the Potential of Video Podcasting📧 Subscribe to the newsletter:✅ Podcast Launch Checklist and Episode Planner –🎉 Grow Your Podcast Audience 5-day Email Challenge –🙋‍♀️ Podcasting – Getting Your Business Heard –
Ep 93: How to Create and Launch a Podcast - Full Tutorial
Ep 93: How to Create and Launch a Podcast - Full Tutorial
In this longer-than-usual episode, I go through a detailed step-by-step guide on how to start your own podcast from beginning to end.We cover choosing your topic, coming up with episode ideas, naming your show, creating artwork, selecting a hosting platform, releasing your first episodes, promoting on social media, and more. There are so many podcasting tips crammed into this how-to, that even if you already have a podcast, you might pick up some new ideas as you continue to grow your show and podcast audience.🌟 Get a free 7-day trial of ➡️ your podcast topic and target audience before starting.Come up with a list of at least 20 episode ideas to sustain your podcast.Research podcast names to ensure uniqueness and avoid duplicating existing shows.Check for available social media handles related to your chosen podcast name.Research potential podcast topics and check domain name availability.Record a trailer for your podcast before launching.Use tools like Canva, GarageBand, or QuickTime to create a professional trailer.Design podcast artwork on Canva for visual appeal and recognition.Select a podcast hosting platform like Captivate FM for storage, distribution, and RSS feed generation.Set up your podcast on Captivate FM with a descriptive name, keywords, artwork, and trailer.Submit your podcast to multiple directories to maximize reach.Timestamps:00:00:00 Intro00:01:19 Getting Clear on Your Podcast Topic and Audience00:02:29 Tips for Starting a Podcast Successfully00:03:36 Generating Podcast Content Ideas00:04:22 Choosing a Podcast Name and Checking for Copyright Infringement00:05:36 Setting up a Podcast: Key Steps Before Recording00:06:43 Creating a Trailer and Podcast Artwork00:08:22 Choosing a Podcast Hosting Platform00:09:31 Setting up a Podcast on Captivate FM00:11:04 Maximizing Your Podcast Reach with Directories00:12:15 Launching a Podcast Successfully00:13:20 Tips for Building an Audience and Promoting Your Podcast📧 Subscribe to the newsletter:✅ Podcast Launch Checklist and Episode Planner –🎉 Grow Your Podcast Audience 5-day Email Challenge –🙋‍♀️ Podcasting – Getting Your Business Heard –
Ep 92: What You Need to Know About Podcasting 2.0 - with Mark Asquith from
Ep 92: What You Need to Know About Podcasting 2.0 - with Mark Asquith from
In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with the one and only Mark from kicked things off by discussing the fantastic Podcast Show London 2024 that we were lucky enough to attend. Can you believe Mark has been attending podcasting events like this since way back in 2014? His experience in the industry is truly impressive. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy when he mentioned going to all those iconic events like Podcast Movement and PodFest in the States over the years. A girl can dream, right?But what really got me excited was our deep dive into the world of Podcasting 2.0. For those of you who are still wrapping your heads around this concept, let me break it down for you. Essentially, Podcasting 2.0 is all about taking the traditional podcasting experience (let's call that 1.0) and supercharging it with a whole host of new features and capabilities. We're talking monetization opportunities, enhanced listener engagement, better analytics, and so much more!Mark did an incredible job of explaining how Podcasting 2.0 works its magic through the use of specialized tags or enclosures within the good ol' RSS feed structure. These tags act as gateways, unlocking features that were previously unavailable or a real pain to implement. I mean, who wouldn't want an easier way to integrate things like cross-app commenting, alternate content formats (hello, video!), and even value-for-value contributions from listeners?Now, I know some of you might be feeling a little overwhelmed by all this talk of Podcasting 2.0. But fear not! Mark reassured me (and all of you) that there's no need to panic. The beauty of this evolution lies in its seamless integration with existing podcasting practices. You can continue creating and distributing your amazing content as you always have, gradually adopting the new features as they become relevant to your needs.And let's not forget about the benefits for us listeners! Podcasting 2.0 promises enhanced content discovery, seamless multi-format experiences, increased engagement with our favorite shows, and improved accessibility. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved in this wonderful world of podcasting.Of course, we couldn't resist indulging in a little Star Wars banter (because what's a conversation without a few nerdy references?). Mark even shared the name of his very own Star Wars podcast, "Spark of Rebellion" – how awesome is that? I may or may not have pestered him about the possibility of a Podcasting 3.0 in the future, but you'll have to tune in to find out his thoughts on that!All in all, this episode was an absolute treasure trove of information and insights. I walked away feeling energized and excited about the future of podcasting, and I hope you did too. So what are you waiting for? Hit that play button and dive right in!Until next time, keep those podcasts rolling, and may the force of Podcasting 2.0 be with you!Highlights:Unique microphone setup at Spiritland Media for recordingMark's experience at the Podcast Show London and involvement in talks and panelsInsights about Captivate - hosting, distribution, and monetization platform for podcastersPodcasting 2.0 - enhancements to the original podcasting conceptEvolution from Podcasting 1.0 to 2.0 and speculation on a possible Podcasting 3.0Role of AI in podcasting and dispelling concerns about AI taking overTips for growing a podcast audience - being a guest on other podcasts, engaging with new audiences, and prioritizing consistencyTimestamps:00:00:00 Intro00:00:36 Captivate at the Podcast Show London00:06:55 Understanding Podcasting 2.000:19:37 Exploring the Future of Podcasting00:24:08 The Role of AI in Podcasting00:31:38 Tips for Growing a Podcast...
Ep 91: How to Rank Your Podcast in Apple Podcast Search Results
Ep 91: How to Rank Your Podcast in Apple Podcast Search Results
Want your podcast to rank high in Apple Podcast search results? Then this is the episode for you. In this episode of the Lazy Girl's Guide to Podcasting, I'll share podcasting tips for ranking your podcast in Apple Podcasts search results by targeting specific keywords. You'll learn how to research and incorporate keywords into your show details, episode titles and show notes to increase your visibility when listeners search for related topics.Highlights:Importance of using keywords for podcast discoveryUtilizing podcast analytics for audience understanding and engagementImproving podcast SEO with keywords in descriptions, titles, and show notesStrategies for enhancing podcast ranking on Apple PodcastsTips for ranking in Apple Podcasts search enginesCreating engaging podcast content for audience retentionSignificance of episode artwork and cover art in attracting listenersExperimentation and patience in finding the right title, keywords, and description for podcastsTimestamps:00:00:00 Intro00:01:28 Utilizing Podcast Analytics for Better Audience Engagement00:02:32 Tips for Improving Podcast SEO00:04:30 Strategies for Improving Podcast Ranking on Apple Podcasts00:07:02 Creating Engaging Podcast Content: Tips for Success00:08:37 Optimizing Your Podcast for Higher Ranking on Apple Podcasts📧 Subscribe to the newsletter:✅ Podcast Launch Checklist and Episode Planner –🎉 Grow Your Podcast Audience 5-day Email Challenge –🙋‍♀️ Podcasting – Getting Your Business Heard –
Ep 90: Top 10 Free Podcasting Tools for Podcasters
Ep 90: Top 10 Free Podcasting Tools for Podcasters
Back in episode 80, I talked about my podcasting costs. It stacked up and some of you guys were outraged! So, I wanted to make it clear that podcasting does not have to be expensive. In fact, I record and edit this episode on free software. And with this in mind, during this episode, I will give you 10 FREE podcasting tools that you should consider using for your podcast production process. Plus, I will give you a key podcasting tip that you DON'T want to miss!!🎧 Listen to Ep 80: How Much Does it Cost to Start and Run a Podcast? - Breaking Down My Podcasting Costs ➡️ Speech by Adobe - - - - - - - - costs of running a podcastFeedback from listeners on podcasting expensesTop free podcasting tools for podcastersTimestamps:00:00:00 Intro00:02:07 Enhance Speech by Adobe00:03:34 Canva00:04:17 Quicktime Player00:04:44 Garageband00:05:22 Podbean00:06:20 Riverside.fm00:07:29 Descript00:08:55 Vidyo.ai00:10:06 Buffer and Hootsuite📧 Subscribe to the newsletter:✅ Podcast Launch Checklist and Episode Planner –🎉 Grow Your Podcast Audience 5-day Email Challenge –🙋‍♀️ Podcasting – Getting Your Business Heard –
Ep 88: How to Get Multiple Episodes from 1 Podcast Interview
Ep 88: How to Get Multiple Episodes from 1 Podcast Interview
So often podcasters conduct a podcast interview, publish it, and never think about it again.But what if you could maximise your podcast interview and get multiple episodes out of the same interview? How awesome would that be? It's at least double the content for you, and at least double the exposure for your podcast guest!In this episode, I'll explain how when I interviewed Adam from Podcasting Business School the podcasting tips that he gave split into 4 key topics. So, I took these topics and broke the 1 interview down into 4 different podcast episodes.But, for other guest interviews, I didn't break these into multiple episodes. I'll discuss why and give you tips as to when you might want to break interviews into multiple episodes and when you might want to keep the interview as a whole.We will also go over how you can maximise your time with a podcast guest and intentionally record multiple episodes in one podcast interview without your audience ever knowing that you recorded the episodes in one go!Explain how I interviewed Adam, but I thought that we covered 4 key topics and bearing in mind my episodes are normally around 10-15 minutes, I wanted to break the interview down to respect those timings and also to ensure that my audience was getting exactly what I was promising from the episode titles and notes.We will also talk about the importance of creativity and flexibility in podcasting, and how experimenting with episode formats and lengths can help you to maximize your podcast guest contributions and audience retention!Tune in for all the podcasting tips for maximising your podcast interviews!Episodes mentioned in this episode:Ep 84: Crafting the Perfect Podcast Guest Pitch - with Sarah Hopkinson - 83: How to Run a Podcast and an Email List Without Going Insane - with Sarah Hopkinson - 76: Avoid These Mistakes with Print on Demand Merch with Travis and Josiah from Print On Demand Cast - 75: How to Monetize Your Podcast with Print on Demand Merch - Travis and Josiah from Print on Demand Cast - 71: Podcast Growth Mistakes and Breaking the Interview Only Myth - with Adam Schaeuble from Podcasting Business School - 65: How Expensive Does Your Microphone Need to Be? with Adam Schaeuble from Podcasting Business School - 64: How to Dominate the First 72 Hours for Maximum Impact - with Adam Schaeuble from Podcasting Business School -
Ep 87: Maximising Your Podcast Show Experience: Your Survival Guide to The London Podcast Show 2024
Ep 87: Maximising Your Podcast Show Experience: Your Survival Guide to The London Podcast Show 2024
Welcome to a bonus episode of the Lazy Girl's Guide to Podcasting!This episode, I'm sharing eight essential tips to help you prepare for the Podcast Show London 2024 or any podcast event you might attend.First things first, remember to eat amidst the excitement. Networking is crucial, so spend time chatting with others, even if you're attending solo. Don't miss out on exploring the exhibition stands; last year, I had a blast discovering new tech and ideas. Ensure you check the schedule and have a backup plan in case sessions are full. It's important to keep a cool head if things don't go as planned - don't be a twit if a session is full. Asking questions during talks can be invaluable, so don't shy away. Make sure you tell people about who you are and your show; you never know who you might meet. Lastly, have something tangible like cards or QR codes to share your podcast info easily.These tips are not just for the Podcast Show London 2024 but can be applied to any podcasting event you attend.Let's make the most out of these opportunities, learn as much as we can, and perhaps, I'll get to meet some of you there!Timestamps:00:00 Welcome to the Bonus Episode!00:18 Getting Ready for the London Podcast Show00:50 8 Essential Tips for Podcast Show Preparation01:43 Networking and Making the Most of the Event02:17 Exhibition Stands and Scheduling Strategies04:12 Handling Full Sessions Gracefully05:37 Engaging and Asking Questions06:19 Promoting Your Podcast Effectively08:25 Final Thoughts and Takeaways📧 Subscribe to the newsletter:✅ Podcast Launch Checklist and Episode Planner –🎉 Grow Your Podcast Audience 5-day Email Challenge –🙋‍♀️ Podcasting – Getting Your Business Heard –
Ep 85: Are You Killing Your Podcast's Growth?
Ep 85: Are You Killing Your Podcast's Growth?
Are you inadvertently killing your podcast's growth by being resistant to change?Because here's the truth - being creatures of habit, we podcasters often shy away from trying new things, even when our current approach isn't yielding the desired growth that we want to see.In this episode, I'll encourage you to take a critical look at your podcast's performance. If you're not seeing the growth you envisioned, whether it's in downloads, audience retention, or any other metric that defines success for you, it might be time to step out of your comfort zone. Don't let the fear of losing existing listeners hold you back from rebranding, revamping your show notes, or experimenting with different episode formats.To help you on this journey, I'll share three actionable tips with you that you can implement today.Remember, growth often lies outside our comfort zones. Don't let the fear of change hinder your podcast's true potential. Embrace new ideas, listen to your audience, and be willing to adapt your strategies. Share this message with your fellow podcasters who might also benefit from these insights.HighlightsImportance of being open to change and adaptation in podcastingPodcasters' fear of making changes and hindering growthMy experience of rebranding and achieving growthStrategies for improving podcast growth, such as optimizing show notes and using keyword researchDefining and tracking podcast growth beyond download numbersSpreading the word about your podcast and leveraging word-of-mouth referralsEasy wins for growing your podcast audience, including content optimization and audience engagementTop three tips for growing your podcast audience: promoting to everyone, experimenting with keywords, and trying out different categories.Timestamps:00:00:00 Intro00:01:07 Exploring Audio Recording Platforms00:01:54 Are You Killing Your Podcast Growth?00:03:07 Embracing Change in Podcasting: Overcoming the Fear of Making Changes00:06:29 The Importance of Growth in Podcasting00:06:57 Tips on How to Grow Your Podcast Audience00:07:30 Strategies to Grow Your Podcast Audience00:08:21 3 Tips for Growing Your Podcast Audience📧 Join the 5-day email growth challenge ➡️
Ep 84: Crafting the Perfect Podcast Guest Pitch - with Sarah Hopkinson
Ep 84: Crafting the Perfect Podcast Guest Pitch - with Sarah Hopkinson
Pitching to be a guest on someone else's podcast can often seem as a daunting task. But when Sarah Hopkinson from CopyHop contacted me to pitch to be a guest, I was blown away by her email. It was specific, to the point, and told me exactly how she'd fit with my podcast and you as the podcast audience.So, in this episode, I chat to Sarah all about how she crafted her pitch. She shares her framework for crafting a personalised email to podcast hosts that will make your request stand out from all of the others. Her podcasting tips for pitching to guest on other people's podcasts are not to be missed.And as promised, below is the EXACT pitch email that Sarah sent to me to pitch herself to guest on The Lazy Girl's Guide to Podcasting.Timestamps:00:00:00 Intro00:01:15 Crafting a Personalized Email Pitch to Be a Podcast Guest00:03:09 Effective Podcast Pitching Strategies00:07:40 How to Write a Compelling Pitch Email to Be a Podcast Guest00:13:43 Tips for Following Up on Podcast Pitches00:21:12 Turning Podcast Episodes Into EmailsSarah's pitch email:Hi Verity, As an inherently Lazy Girl, I was so happy when I discovered your podcast at the end of last year! As you say yourself, your episodes are really binge-able and I've been enjoying listening to them, especially your Taylor Swift/podcasting mash-up ep (oh my god, I'd LOVE it if she did her own podcast!!). There are a lot of voices in podcasting and podcasting advice, but yours is one of the most insightful and fun.I am emailing you for a reason: I know that 2024 is your year of email so I was wondering if you'd be open to me guesting on The Lazy Girl's Guide to Podcasting to talk a little about the opportunities for podcasters who master email marketing? I also work in the podcasting industry, helping podcasters to grow their show and their influence through strategically remarketing their content. Last year, I gave a seminar to a group of podcasters about how to run a great email list for their podcast with less effort, touching on why email is a great medium to connect with subscribers, how to use AI to repurpose podcast episodes whilst maintaining content quality and the different kinds of emails to send to your podcast list. It was a great success and it encouraged those podcasters to start or keep going with their email list without putting as much work into it.I'd love to discuss all or some of the above on your podcast and if you'd like to have me as a guest, I'd be delighted to promote your episode far and wide. However, I appreciate that you know your audience best so I'll leave it up to you to think about :)Hope that the sun is shining on you in Jersey and that the Taylor Swift n*des scandal didn't leave a Blank Space in your episode download numbers!Have a great day!~Sarah at CopyHop~ Sarah's email series: bio:Sarah Hopkinson is a Brit living in the south of France. After working in online content for 5 years, she set up her copywriting business in 2021 and quickly pivoted to helping podcasters grow their show by repurposing their content into other forms of written content. When she's not working on her business she's working out, taking day trips to Italy and watching The Office.Website:
Ep 83: How to Run a Podcast and an Email List Without Going Insane - with Sarah Hopkinson
Ep 83: How to Run a Podcast and an Email List Without Going Insane - with Sarah Hopkinson
It's safe to say that as a podcaster, marketing your podcast probably takes up most of your time. And the thought of effectively promoting your podcast via email marketing might just sound a step too far.So, in this episode, we're joined by Sarah Hopkinson from CopyHop to discuss the importance of building an email list to promote your podcast, how to build that email list, and how to get your podcast audience to engage with the email content.We chat about all things lead magnets, as well as other innovative ways to build up your email list. Discover key insights and podcast tips on transforming your email list into a vibrant community and enhancing your podcast marketing efforts.Podcasting freebies:'s email series: of building an email list for podcastersBenefits of email marketing for podcastersStrategies for engaging podcast audiences through emailTips for writing effective email newsletters for podcastsMetrics to track in email marketing for podcastsOptimization tips for email marketing for podcast promotionGrowing mailing lists for podcastersImportance of welcome sequences in email marketingEnhancing email marketing strategy for podcastersCreating effective email copy for lead magnetsBuilding businesses around podcastingChallenges podcasters face in standing outTimestamps:00:00:00 Introduction00:01:34 The Importance of Email Lists for Podcasters00:05:46 Tips for Emailing Your Podcast Listeners00:07:18 Building an Email List for Your Podcast00:08:32 Writing Email Newsletters for Podcasts00:09:55 Increasing Click Through Rates in Email Marketing00:11:28 Optimizing Email Marketing for Podcast Promotion00:15:00 Tips for Growing Your Podcast Email List00:18:02 Building an Effective Email Marketing Strategy for Your Podcast00:19:22 Optimizing Email Copy for Lead MagnetsGuest bio:Sarah Hopkinson is a Brit living in the south of France. After working in online content for 5 years, she set up her copywriting business in 2021 and quickly pivoted to helping podcasters grow their show by repurposing their content into other forms of written content. When she's not working on her business she's working out, taking day trips to Italy and watching The Office.Website:📧 Subscribe to the newsletter:✅ Podcast Launch Checklist and Episode Planner –🎉 Grow Your Podcast Audience 5-day Email Challenge –🙋‍♀️ Podcasting – Getting Your Business Heard –
Ep 82: Should You Interview Your Competitors on Your Podcast?
Ep 82: Should You Interview Your Competitors on Your Podcast?
In this episode, I explore the idea of interviewing your competitors on your podcast. When considering this, it's important to differentiate between general competitors and direct competitors.General competitors simply exist in your broader niche and can provide additional perspectives to conversations. Direct competitors target the exact same audience as you and sell similar offerings. If you're using your podcast to attract ideal clients or customers, interviewing direct competitors may not be the most strategic move. You don't want to provide your audience with other options besides yourself. However, there can be value in interviewing general competitors as a way to add more diversity of opinions and insights for your listeners' benefit.When considering who to interview, my biggest podcasting tips is that you want to select guests who will truly add value for your listeners and align with your podcast objectives. The key is finding the right balance between collaborating with others in your niche and safeguarding your own business interests.Episodes mentioned:Ep 10: Guest Booking Tips: It’s Not About the Numbers ➡️ 18: Why You Need A Podcast Guest Release Form (and How to Write One) ➡️ 56: How to Attract High-Value Guests to Your Show ➡️ you interview your competitors on your podcast?Differentiating between generalized competitors and direct competitorsConsidering if podcast guests are competitors or collaboratorsPricing as a factor in determining if someone is a direct competitorEvaluating the potential benefits and drawbacks of interviewing competitors on your podcastDeciding on potential guests based on whether they are general competitors or direct competitorsBalancing the benefits of collaboration with protecting your own interests when interviewing competitors on your podcastTimestamps:00:00:00 Intro00:00:20 Should You Interview Your Competitors on Your Podcast?00:02:15 Strategic Approaches to Engaging with Competitors in a Niche Space00:03:56 Considering Whether Podcast Guests Are Competitors or Collaborators00:05:38 Should You Interview Your Competitors on Your Podcast?00:06:45 Consider the Type of Guests You Invite on Your Podcast00:08:01 Interviewing Competitors: Tips and Considerations📧 Subscribe to the newsletter:✅ Podcast Launch Checklist and Episode Planner –🎉 Grow Your Podcast Audience 5-day Email Challenge –🙋‍♀️ Podcasting – Getting Your Business Heard –