265: RIP Roe + Horoscope

Ghost of a Podcast: Astrology & Advice with Jessica Lanyadoo

26-06-2022 • 1 ora 55 minuti

Reproductive justice activist, Rev Erika Forbes, joins Jessica to discuss Erika's personal journey as an activist, the chart of Roe v. Wade, and the chart of Roe being struck down. Using astrology as a jumping-off point, they explore activist strategies for moving forward. To learn more and support the work, find Erika at reproductivejusticepostroe.com + envisionjustice.com Your horoscope this week is as eventful as you may expect: we've got an emotional New Moon in Cancer, a powerful Mars square to Pluto, and an anxiety-provoking Mercury square to Neptune. Luckily, Jupiter is in the mix, helping us through. 🔮 To learn more about Jessica's offerings visit lovelanyadoo.com 🪐 Learn with me: https://www.lovelanyadoo.com/shop ⭕️ Astrology for Days is available at astrologyfordays.com 📍 Support the podcast and get loads of extras (including a Ghost bonus episode monthly) on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JessicaLanyadoo. 💙 For daily insights and resources follow Jessica on Twitter at @jessicalanyadoo or on Instagram at @jessica_lanyadoo 🏳️‍🌈 The Church of Prismatic Light prismaticlightchurch.org  🗳 The Church of Universal Suffrage universalsuffragechurch.org ✊ Supporting local abortion funds that help arrange and pay for abortion care for patients who need it! · Donate to Yellowhammer Fund at https://action.yellowhammerfund.org/VJwyf79UF0yW0qhFnyakGw2?emci=32aee290-24cb-ec11-997e-281878b83d8a&emdi=98636d8d-26cb-ec11-997e-281878b83d8a&ceid=1225801 · Donate to Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/mrff?emci=32aee290-24cb-ec11-997e-281878b83d8a&emdi=98636d8d-26cb-ec11-997e-281878b83d8a&ceid=1225801 · Donate to Margins at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/margins2020?emci=32aee290-24cb-ec11-997e-281878b83d8a&emdi=98636d8d-26cb-ec11-997e-281878b83d8a&ceid=1225801 ✈️  Volunteer with elevatedaccess.org 🐿🪴 Mutual Aid Toolkit https://gdoc.pub/doc/e/2PACX-1vRMxV09kdojzMdyOfapJUOB6Ko2_1iAfIm8ELeIgma21wIt5HoTqP1QXadF01eZc0ySrPW6VtU_veyp 🪵 Your 5 Minutes of Resistance Assistance each weekday: https://chopwoodcarrywaterdailyactions.substack.com/ 🤖 To use Resistbot, text 50409 and it will prompt you from there

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