The Temple of God

Greater Life Church

20-05-2021 • 50 minuti

When we hear the phrase “The Temple of God'', we often think about a church. It invokes visions of perhaps an ancient structure. But the temple of God is not necessarily a building. In biblical times, David was passionate about building a temple for God. He did not want this for himself or to increase his legacy. He wanted to build it for God. David spent years preparing and storing up the best materials needed to build the dwelling place for God. He desired above all to please God. After Jesus died on the cross, things changed. Now, through the infilling of the Holy Ghost, God dwells in us. We are intended to be the temple of God. We must do our best to prepare our bodies and hearts to be the dwelling place of God. Like David, we must plan and use the best materials to make our bodies a place that God wants to dwell. To do that, we must honor God with our lives and be holy. Holy means set apart. But holiness is more than rules and being set apart from the world. To be holy, a person must choose to be consecrated unto God. Simply being away from the world is not enough. When we seek God and a lifestyle of holiness, we must also pursue God. Leaving the crowd is the first part, but continuing a lifestyle of walking toward God is essential. Holiness and being set apart are about trying to be nearer to God. The separation allows us to focus on what God wants to draw closer to Him. Setting ourselves apart has a God-given purpose. To understand that, we must understand the nature of sin. Too many people look at holiness as God’s measuring stick to determine our failure. Holiness is the pursuit of God, so the closer we get to God, the further we get from sin. The bible tells us that the result of sin is death. God loves us and doesn't want sin to destroy us.