Prepare for a thought-provoking episode of "On Air with Chai," where we delve into the critical topic of mental health. Please note that some discussions within this episode may touch upon sensitive subjects. Mental health has garnered significant attention, especially since the onset of COVID-19 and subsequent lockdowns. We aim to explore the contributing factors to mental health challenges, effective strategies for managing them, and the support available for those in need. Our enlightening conversation with Dr. Louise Gallagher sheds light on a groundbreaking initiative at SickKids, where every child entering the hospital undergoes mental health screening. Moreover, we delve into the training provided to hospital staff, equipping them with the necessary skills to address mental health concerns in children. Dr. Gallagher also shares valuable insights on collaborative efforts she is involved in through the Youth Mental Health Collaborative. Join us on "On Air with Chai" as we navigate this vital conversation surrounding mental health. Your understanding and support are crucial in raising awareness and promoting well-being. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review to support this impactful podcast.
If you need help or you know someone that needs help, it is not a weakness to reach out.
Distress lines listed on the CAMH site:
When in need of someone to talk to. Operated by various agencies. Open 24 hours a day (unless otherwise indicated):
Produced By: Bryan Strasberg
Edited By: Bryan Strasberg
Hosted By: Rabbi Mordechai Rothman
Hosted By: Bryan Strasberg
Guests Booked By: Orly Davis and Bryan Strasberg
Artwork by: Candace Alper