I wish January were starting with fireworks! Instead, I am recording right from my hole...I got sucked back in to muddy thinking!!!!!

It is soooooooo easy to do what I don't want to do! ...I think I've heard that somewhere..Paul felt that way.

Why in the world do I keep doing what I hate????

God is my biggest fan, cheering me on to do what is in my heart to do, but it feels too big...too hard..I'd rather binge watch 10 hours of Twilight.

While there is a time for that, I also know that I've been avoiding God and hard and daunting.

My desired feeling this year is genuine. Let it be easy is my mantra and I long to just flow in grace..bringing joy and peace.  Well I have to find that stuff first.  And because I know that is what I want...naturally, I run the opposite direction.

Join me on this journey, digging from the bottom up.  Our life and dreams are worth fighting for.  I will start at the bottom and let that refining  show me the way.  Would you like to join??

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