🏝In Part 2 of Episode 29, Michael Russek And I Continue Our Discussion On Joseph Campbell, Following Your Bliss, Escaping LA, Moving To Bali, Saying Goodbye To America, Bliss Vs. Ego, Hugo Boss Suits, Sushi, The Instagram Algorithm, Single Fatherhood, Custody Battles, Selfies Vs Scenery, Instagram Models, Healthy Narcissism, The 800,000 Children That Go Missing Every Year, Coronavirus vs Child Abduction, Recycling Tetra Packs, The Eco-Economy, Environmental Industries, Sustainable Building Materials, The Evolution of Development, 3D Printing, Doing Business In Bali, Commercial Fabrication, Designer’s Retreats, Intelligent Design, If There’s Any Hope For Humanity If Green Projects Will Save The World, Letting The Stress Go, Burning The Candle At Both Ends, The Environmental Damage From All The Waste Created By COVID, How The Polyurethane Industry Making Windfall Profits From COVID, Why The 1st World Is Less Developed Than The 3rd World, Etc., Etc… 💙👀⏅