Ohio's Aviation Heritage Tour: Nieuport 28

Ohio's Aviation Heritage Audio Tour

30-07-2015 • 0 secondi

Next, move to the nose of the Nieuport 28. This is the biplane with the blue and white striped nose. Many American aces flew the Nieuport 28 during World War I, including Columbus natives Eddie Rickenbacker and Fred Norton. Norton, who flew with the 27th Aero Squadron during the Chateau-Thierry Campaign, was severely wounded by ground fire while strafing a column of German troops. He was able to land his Nieuport behind Allied lines, but it took two days to get him to a hospital, and he contracted pneumonia. His last conscious act before he died was to scribble a note to his uddies: “Twenty-seventh, more power to you.” Displayed near this exhibit are some of Norton’s personal effects, including a flying jacket and his French hospital tags.