Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Entrepreneur, Health & Wellness Practitioner, Proudly Fit & Fabulous Asara Tsehai.. She 40 years of experience in wellness and leadership has inspired over 10,000 women on their wellness journey. At 65, she boldly declares, "I plan to be Fine, Fit & Fabulous even beyond 100 years young, and so can you!" She's not merely engaging in conversation; she's insisting on the dialogue surrounding conscious aging for women of all ages, as the visionary founder behind The Juicy to 100 Nation; a dynamic sisterhood of women who refuse to let age define them. These women are not only dedicated to aging gracefully; they're dedicated to living juicy and delicious lives even beyond 100 years young. Enjoy this inspirational tale.
More on Asara - https://asaratsehai.crd.co/
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