Episode 24: Understand Your Value as a Veteran and Go Beyond Roles to Find Purpose

Veteran Cast

07-04-2020 • 1 ora 5 minuti

In this episode Douglas interviews Gulf War Enlisted Veteran, John Qualls. John has had an incredible career launching and leading several technology startups. His most recent company is Purposely (https://purpose.ly), a platform to empower employees or individuals to optimize their talents. Talent optimization is one of the most critical factors that will determine if your business is able to reach and exceed your desired business results. While most business strategies focus on technical and functional aspects talent optimization should be a central part of your business strategy. With talent optimization, use a human lens to convert your business strategy into a compelling story that will engage employees. Having found his strengths and blazed a path in the technology industry, John is now sharing his wisdom with other people and then putting the tools in place to help them. We discuss how critical this is to both individuals and to companies - especially in times of economic challenges. Special Guest: John Qualls.

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