028: Neville Johnson

The Combat Flags Podcast

09-11-2021 • 53 minuti

In this episode of the Combat Flags Podcast I talk with Neville Johnson. Neville was born and raised in South Africa and at the age of 23, he left his home country to travel and work in the United Kingdom.

In 2003 Neville joined the British Army and became an infantry soldier. He served seven years in the British Army and deployed on active duty to Northern Ireland, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

After he left the army, he worked as a private security contractor in the Middle East on numerous Unites States government contracts.

Neville currently resides in New Zealand with his wife and three young kids.

Neville is also a published author, with some of his poetry published in three books alongside the work of other veteran writers.

The titles are, Sweeping Leaves in the Wind, Alone in a Crowded Room, and War… & After the anthology of poet warriors.

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