023: George Bell

The Combat Flags Podcast

23-09-2021 • 49 minuti

In this episode of the Combat Flags Podcast I talk with George Bell, a former Psychological Operations Master Sergeant who retired in 2018 after 20 years of service.

We cover A LOT of ground in this podcast, including George’s combat jump into Iraq as Psychological Operations Specialist and how experiences on that deployment set the tone for the remainder of his impressive Army career.

George has multiple deployments all over the world including Ukraine, Libya, and Uganda.

Today, George  is a father, husband and the Vice President of Fieldcraft Survival.

He is newly back in North Carolina where Fieldcraft opened a new facility in Aberdeen NC.

You can find George on Instagram at @george.bell.jr and @fieldcraftsurvival

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Jesse George: US-Botschaft Berlin | PODCAST EINS