I Made My Excuses & Left: Where Are You Making Excuses?

Clear Your Clutter Inside & Out

16-06-2020 • 17 minuti

What have you been putting off that you know must be done? Are you using excuses to keep from moving forward? Do you have a list of reasons why a project, or taking action can’t be done? Learn how to recognize when you’re making excuses.

To learn how Julie can support you: reawakenyourbrilliance.com

Certified life coach, author & award-winning professional life organizer Julie Coraccio shares steps and tips to support you in creating the life you choose, deserve and desire through decluttering your life, mindfulness and how to organize your life.

About Clear Your Clutter Inside & Out

Clutter is stuck stagnant energy and prevents you from creating the life you choose, desire and deserve. We discuss clutter in all its forms: energetic, spiritual, emotional, mental & physical, relationships, health, finances and more. We share tips and take action steps for clutter free living and how to organize your life and death with end of life planning. We're thinking outside the box on areas where people might not realize where clutter is blocking them. When we remove clutter from our lives we can discover our passions, lead the extraordinary lives we are all meant to live and share our gifts with the world.

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