The Flintstones S1E1 - A Business Plan Theory about The Flintstones Flyer Corporation

Flintsons & Jetstones

28-04-2023 • 4 minuti

The episode begins with Fred waiting for the morning newspaper. Papers in bedrock are delivered on 17 by 17 by 5 inch granite slabs. A simple density multiplied by volume calculation means the morning papers in bedrock weigh 147 pounds each. Fred’s 12 year paperboy hurls one of these 147 pound slabs at Fred using a single hand, leading the viewer to the undeniable conclusion that Fred’s paperboy, is on the juice.

Later that day we find the Musk level mastermind Barney Rubble has invented the helicopter and Fred wants a piece of that action.  Fred nominates himself head of the company but bows out of the venture when he learns the Barney-copter can only carry one person.  Barney upgrades his machine and the boys plan to test it out when they fly to the bowling alley, while faking life threatening injuries to get out of going to the opera with their wives.

Fred, plus the two bowling balls, is still too much weight for the copter to gain flight. Fred flaps his arms like a bird and is able to generate enough thrust from this flapping to take off. Considering Fred would need to generate roughly 700 newtons of power, we can calculate that he is flapping his arms at 117 time per second. This feat being impossible for a human, leads viewers to the conclusion that Fred takes performance enhancing drugs.

Wilma and Betty go to the opera alone but worry about the massive internal bleeding that Fred has likely sustained. They go to the bowling ally to call home to check on Fred but see two figures who look 100 percent, exactly like their husbands in every possible way, accept for some poorly constructed disguise mustaches made from broom bristles.

Wilma and Betty decide to  beat up the figures but when seeing their faces appear to fooled by the broom bristle mustaches.  At least thats what they want the viewer to think.  Because there is no way possible anyone could have been fooled by these disguises the viewers must assume Wilma and Betty have seen the helicopter and are making plans to steal the company from Fred and Barney.

With Fred jacked up on what I assume is EPO and adrenaline the boys fly home and return to their faking of life threatening injuries. Wilma and Betty come in and appear to be buying the whole act but Barney accidentally gives up their secret. Since we must assume the girls already knew, the next scenes where Wilma and Betty trash the place and chase off Fred and Barney, as their play to gain control of the helicopter company.  Unfortunately, Fred and Barney escape on the helicopter forcing Wilma and Betty into a 6 hour poker match for control of the company once Fred and Barney land.

Since the term helicopter is coined by a french writer some 11,863 years later we can assume that Barney and Fred crashed from exhaustion destroying the barney copter and Wilma and Betty’s plan to steal its design.