How to Write a Book As a Marketing Tool with Julie Broad

Through The Marketing Lens

26-10-2021 • 34 minuti

In this episode we are speaking with the incredible Julie Broad about how to write a book and utilize it as a marketing tool for your business. Julie went from wanting to write a book and being rejected by big publishing houses, to self-publishing and having her first book reach #1 on Amazon. Now she has a self-publishing services firm that supports new authors through the entirety of the writing and publishing journey.

It’s no secret that being a published author grants major credibility to you and greater recognition for your brand, but the whole process can seem daunting and overwhelming.

We’re talking about:

  • Benefits of writing a book for your business
  • Using Amazon’s algorithm effectively to boost sales
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted self-publishing
  • Current trends and how to factor those into your book topic
  • Common mindset blocks around writing a book

You can get Julie’s 7 Steps to Plan and Write Your Book here and check out Book Launchers Youtube channel at

Please check out my website! I'm always updating it with valuable info and free content like workbooks and such to help you propel your business forward!


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