Just One Tip from Your Podcast Performance Coach

Tim Wohlberg

Your podcast is an extension of your brand. It helps potential customers get to know you and trust you. It positions you as an authority and thought leader so you become the obvious choice. At least that’s what it’s supposed to do. Too bad yours isn’t. Let’s fix that, in 5-minutes chunks. Just One Tip is a podcast for podcasters looking to grow their authority and convert with greater ease. Host Tim Wohlberg is a 30-year radio veteran who straight up hears things you can’t hear in your show. As a podcast coach he helps entrepreneurs build better podcasts for their business or brand from scratch or can re-rebuild or pivot an underperforming show. In each 5-minute episode, Coach Tim offers up one quick tip that you can implement right away. From tech to content and performance to marketing – if you’re a business owner expecting your podcast to deliver some ROI (not to mention, ROE) then this is the podcast for you. Not to mention grow your audience, generate leads and sales. Make your next episode better than your last starting now. Press play and subscribe. Book a free-15-minute coaching call at https://podcastperformancecoach.com/ read less


218 What's the Most Effective Way to Get More Podcast Listeners?
218 What's the Most Effective Way to Get More Podcast Listeners?
How do you grow your podcast audience in a crowded space? In this episode, I’m sharing one of the most effective strategies I’ve seen: Other People’s Podcasts—or as I like to call it, OPP (yeah, you know me). Being a guest on other podcasts is one of the best ways to get your message in front of new listeners who could become loyal fans (and customers!). I’ve seen my clients grow their downloads, generate leads, and even land high-ticket clients using this exact strategy. But here's the thing—you have to do it right. It’s not just about saying yes to any podcast that invites you. It’s about getting your message on shows that actually attract your ideal audience. In this episode, I cover my top 3 tips for successfully growing your audience through podcast guesting: Quality over Quantity – Don't focus on booking tons of appearances. Focus on booking the right shows, ones that have listeners who are your ideal clients. Have 3 Powerful Topics Ready – Know the most valuable ideas and stories that you can deliver on any show. The more prepared you are, the more impactful your appearance will be. Pitch with Integrity – Do your research, make your pitch relevant to the podcast, and be authentic. Don’t waste anyone’s time, including your own. Following these tips will help you land podcast appearances that can seriously expand your reach. And, if you want to make sure your own show is ready for the new listeners you're about to attract, I’ve got a free 7-step podcast audit you can grab. It’s a diagnostic check to make sure your podcast is share-worthy and set up to convert listeners into fans. Grab it at: PodcastPerformanceCoach.com/free-podcast-audit Let’s make sure your podcast is working as hard as you are! In this episode I reference a podcast guesting service. Check out INTERNET CONNECTIONS. Additional Episodes on Guesting: 085 How to Grow Your Podcast by Being a Great Guest
217 How to Give Yourself a Podcast Audit (and Improve Your ROI)
217 How to Give Yourself a Podcast Audit (and Improve Your ROI)
In this episode, we’re talking about something that every podcaster needs but most are too scared to do—a podcast audit. GET YOUR FREE PODCAST AUDIT NOW (Instant Access) https://podcastperformancecoach.com/free-podcast-audit/ An audit sounds scary, right? Like there’s a bunch of red tape, forms, government officials, and a quest for long-lost receipts involved. But I promise you, this is nothing like that. Think of it more like a health check-up for your podcast. Just like you go to the doctor to make sure everything’s running smoothly, your podcast needs a regular check-up too. So why is this important? First, your podcast is a direct reflection of your brand. If your audio quality is fuzzy, your content is meandering, or your messaging is as clear as mud, then guess what? Your listeners are seeing that mess too. An audit will help you identify if your podcast is reflecting your brand the way you want it to. Second, if you're an entrepreneur or business owner, podcasting isn’t a hobby—it’s a serious marketing tool. You’re investing time, money, and a whole lot of love into your show, but if you’re not seeing real results—whether that’s more leads, more authority, or more sales—then something’s off. A podcast audit helps you figure out where your efforts are falling flat and what you can do to start getting the ROI you deserve. Third, you don’t know what you don’t know. Maybe you started your podcast because someone said you should, or you saw other people using podcasting to increase their visibility. And that’s great! But there’s more to podcasting than just publishing regularly. If you want to get more out of your podcast than just 'having a podcast', you need to dig a little deeper. A podcast audit shows you what you’re missing so you can take your show from good to great. Now you're wondering how to actually do a podcast audit...here’s the best part—I’ve got a free 7-step podcast audit process that I’m sharing with you. It’s a comprehensive, step-by-step guide that’ll help you diagnose what’s really going on with your podcast so you can make informed decisions about how to improve it (and boost that ROI). So what are you waiting for? Head over to PodcastPerformanceCoach.com/free-podcast-audit and grab your free podcast audit. Let’s turn your podcast into the marketing tool it was always meant to be. GET YOUR FREE PODCAST AUDIT NOW (Instant Access) https://podcastperformancecoach.com/free-podcast-audit/
216 How to Overcome the Fear of Niching Down Your Podcast
216 How to Overcome the Fear of Niching Down Your Podcast
Are you afraid that niching down will shrink your podcast audience? Think again! In this episode, I’ll show you why going “nice and nichey” could actually be the best move you ever make for your podcast. Spoiler alert: It’s not about getting more listeners; it’s about getting the right listeners. We all know the temptation to appeal to everyone—after all, who wouldn’t want a massive audience? But unless you’ve spent decades building your brand like Joe Rogan, going broad is a recipe for getting lost in the noise. Instead, I’m here to tell you that focusing on a specific, well-defined niche can sharpen your podcast’s edge, grow your authority, and lead to better conversions. In this episode, I dive into the real-life success stories of podcasters just like you who were hesitant to niche down, but once they did, they saw massive growth—not just in their listener base, but in their business as well. Key Takeaways: The Myth of the Niche: Why trying to be the next Joe Rogan isn’t a winning strategy for most podcasters. Tracy’s Transformation: How narrowing her focus to boudoir photography turned a struggling podcast into a thriving business tool. Andre’s Breakthrough: By zeroing in on reputation management for gyms, Andre’s podcast became the go-to resource for gym owners looking to stand out. Overcoming Niche Fear: Practical steps to stop chasing everyone and start building a loyal, engaged audience that converts. The Power of Deep Connection: How Inna’s pivot to a Hashimoto’s health podcast brought her back to the top of her field. Why More Downloads Aren’t the Answer: Why focusing on niche content can lead to more sales and a more loyal audience. Don’t let the fear of narrowing your focus hold you back from podcast success. Embrace your niche, and watch your podcast not just grow, but thrive. Ready to Niche Down? If you’re still on the fence about niching, let’s talk.  Book a free podcast coaching call, and I’ll help you find the perfect niche that aligns with your expertise and audience.   Head over to PodcastPerformanceCoach.com and let’s get your show working smarter, not harder. Resources: Podcast Tune-Up Program Free Podcast Coaching Call
214 Out of Fresh Podcast Topics Ideas? Do This Instead...
214 Out of Fresh Podcast Topics Ideas? Do This Instead...
Struggling to keep your podcast fresh? The secret might just be repetition! Discover why revisiting your core topics can boost your authority and keep listeners coming back for more. Ever feel like you're running out of new ideas for your podcast? You're not alone. Many podcasters hit a wall, thinking they need fresh topics all the time. Here’s the kicker: you don’t. It’s not about reinventing the wheel; it’s about reinforcing your message. Most of your listeners haven’t heard every episode. They didn’t start at episode #1 and follow religiously. Even your super-fans don’t remember everything. So, repeating topics isn’t just okay—it’s essential. It reinforces your message, aids comprehension, and solidifies your authority. Imagine explaining a concept multiple times in different ways—using new analogies, fresh takes, or case studies. This repetition helps listeners fully grasp and retain your message. Plus, it establishes you as the go-to expert in your field. And think about this: when people search for solutions online, they look at multiple sources. You want to be that recurring expert who shows up in their search results, not just a one-time hit. Running a business means solving your ideal customer’s problems. You don’t have to constantly innovate new solutions. Stay in your lane, solve that one problem exceptionally well, and keep attracting new listeners. Recycle and revamp your old topics with new insights and perspectives. It’s not about dazzling your audience with novelty every time but ensuring they understand and remember your core messages. Check out episodes 24, 56, 122, 154, and 193. They all touch on the importance of consistency through repetition. Walking my talk, baby.  Click play to learn more about how you can do it effectively too. 24 5 Ways to Generate Podcast Topic Ideas 56 How to Brainstorm your Podcast Ideas 122 What are Podcast Themes and Do You Really Need Them? 154 Are You Ignoring The Best Podcast Episode Topic Ideas? 193 5 Content Hacks So You Never Run Out of Podcast Episode Topics Ready to make your podcast an authority-boosting marketing tool? Book your free private podcast coaching call by clicking the big orange button on PodcastPerformanceCoach.com.
212 How to Sound Like a Podcast Pro: 5 Tips to Improve Your Podcaster Voice
212 How to Sound Like a Podcast Pro: 5 Tips to Improve Your Podcaster Voice
If you’ve ever wondered, "How do I improve my podcast voice?" or caught yourself thinking, "I hate my voice," this episode is for you. In this episode, I reveal my top 5 tips for improving your vocal performance and making your voice work for you, not against you. Whether you're new to podcasting or a seasoned pro, these tips will help you project confidence, engage your audience, and build your authority.   What You'll Learn: 1. **Breath Control:** Discover how proper breathing techniques can transform your voice. Learn why standing while recording can give you more energy and a fuller sound. 2. **Recording Environment:** Find out how to create a cozy, soft space that enhances your voice and makes you sound more professional without breaking the bank. 3. **Voice Authority:** Learn the secret to dropping your voice at the end of sentences to instantly boost your authority and avoid the pitfalls of upspeak. 4. **Rehearsal Techniques:** Understand the importance of rehearsing your script and how this practice can make your delivery smoother and more confident. 5. **Editing Tips:** Get my best advice on editing your podcast to fix mistakes on the fly and ensure your final product is polished and authoritative.   You might be surprised that many of my tips aren't just about your voice—they're about how you use your voice and the environment you create for recording. If you want to sound like a pro, it’s time to make some simple but powerful changes.   Why Listen? If you're serious about podcasting, these tips will help you connect with your audience on a deeper level, project your expertise, and ultimately grow your podcast's reach and impact. Plus, I’ll share why you should always assume you’ll need to edit and how this mindset can actually improve your performance. Ready to take your podcast voice to the next level? Tune in now and start sounding like the authority you are. For more detailed tips, check out these episodes: - Episode 005: [Standing VS. Sitting When You Record] - Episode 042: [Mic Placement] - Episode 169: [Ideal Recording Space]   ### Need More Help? If you’re looking for personalized guidance, my Podcast Tune-Up Program is exactly what you need. In less than 2 months, through one-on-one coaching, we'll have your podcast cranking out positive ROI.  This is the Podcast Tune-Up
211 Tips for Podcast Hosts to Manage Guest Plugs Effectively
211 Tips for Podcast Hosts to Manage Guest Plugs Effectively
Stop letting guests hijack your podcast with self-promotional plugs! Learn why you should handle plugs yourself and how to keep your audience engaged. Are you tired of feeling like you have to give your guests the last few minutes of your show for their plugs? Guess what? You don’t have to! There’s no podcast rule that says you must hand over your show’s reins to your guests for self-promotion. Seriously, it’s not a rule. In this episode, I explain why letting guests plug themselves can be a colossal mistake. I'll show you a better way to maintain control of your show, keep your audience engaged, and ensure every episode ends on a high note. **What You'll Learn:** - Why you should never ask guests open-ended plug questions - The negative impact of guest plugs on listener engagement - How to take control of all plugging duties yourself - Practical steps to communicate expectations with your guests - How to record a polished extro after the interview - The importance of curating valuable offers for your audience   **Key Takeaways:** - Maintain control of your show and prioritize your audience’s needs - Record your extro separately to ensure a smooth, engaging finish - Set clear expectations with guests to avoid awkward, rambling plugs - Only share guest offers that add real value to your listeners   It’s your job to give your listeners everything they need from each episode. Respect and nurture your relationship with your audience by taking charge of guest plugs.   For more podcasting advice and to book a free private podcast coaching call, visit [PodcastPerformanceCoach.com] https://podcastperformancecoach.com Get on my calendar. https://calendly.com/timwohlberg
209 How to Improve Your Podcast Interview Skills with 'Expander Questions'
209 How to Improve Your Podcast Interview Skills with 'Expander Questions'
Struggling to get insightful answers from your guests? This episode's all about going beyond surface-level interviews and crafting conversations that captivate listeners. We all know the feeling: you book a fantastic guest, but when the mics roll, they clam up. ‍ One-word answers make for a snoozefest, and you're left scrambling to salvage the episode. Enter expander questions! These gems are your secret weapon to crack open even the toughest nuts. Expander questions aren't about padding the episode. They're about creating a 3D listening experience. Think vivid details, emotional connection, and real-world application. That's how you grab listeners and keep them hooked! Here's your emergency interview kit: (Bookmark these!) Clarify: "Tell me more about that" or "Can you elaborate?" Feelings: "How did that make you feel?" or "What emotions came up?" Details: "Walk us through the process" or "What specific steps did you take?" Connect: "How does this relate to your overall experience?" or "Have you faced similar situations?" Apply it: "What can listeners learn from this?" or "How can they use your advice?" Quirky: "What childhood experience prepared you for this?" (Fun twist!) Remember, the key is to listen actively and be genuinely curious. Let go of your script and follow the conversation where it leads. Trust me, it's way more fun that way!   Also for your earballs: Episode 014 Mastering Open Ended Questions https://podcastperformancecoach.com/014-mastering-open-ended-questions/   Want to master the interview and skyrocket your podcast? Book your free coaching call today and let's build your expander question arsenal together! Get on my calendar here:  https://calendly.com/timwohlberg OR https://podcastperformancecoach.com/
207 Uploaded a Podcast Episode With a Mistake? Here's What to Do
207 Uploaded a Podcast Episode With a Mistake? Here's What to Do
Accidentally uploaded a podcast with a little boo-boo? It happens! Here are practical tips on replacing episodes with errors and why you may want to embrace imperfection instead.  Warning - if you're letting your ego call the shots with your podcast, you may not want to hear what I have to say about being human and letting a few little slips slide. Podcasting accidents and slip-ups happen. But, you don't have to live with it forever. There is a way to fix it and move on without losing your audience's trust or your download count. In this episode, I tackle what mistakes to correct and which ones you might just want to live with. I give you a step-by-step guide on how to handle those flub-ups like a pro. I also cover what to do if your podcast is on YouTube as a video. Making a mistake during an edit, mispronouncing someone's name, quoting a questionable fact, or uploading the wrong file - these things happen to all of us. You're human. It's part of what makes your podcast listenable. But, if you want your podcast to serve as a powerful marketing tool, you need to know what serves your listener, what's worth your time, and when your perfectionism is getting in the way of marketing effectively.  Whether you're a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, this episode is packed with actionable advice and strategies to help you navigate the ups and downs of podcasting with confidence. Want more specific help on how to make your podcast a marketing tool for your business? Book your free coaching call now. https://calendly.com/timwohlberg 003 How to Listen to Your Own Podcast https://podcastperformancecoach.com/
206 Is a Podcast Award Nomination a Sign of Success?
206 Is a Podcast Award Nomination a Sign of Success?
Congratulations!!! You've been nominated for a podcast award (←that was me last month!). Would you consider yourself a podcasting success? Seems like an easy answer, but it's not. Success in podcasting - especially if you're an entrepreneur - isn't just about accolades or download numbers; it's about leveraging your platform to achieve your business goals. In this episode, we'll explore why chasing big download numbers might not be the best approach for every podcaster. I'll share insights from my own journey and real-life success stories from entrepreneurs who have redefined podcasting success on their terms. Just like preparing a nutritious meal, your podcast should provide value and nourishment to your audience, rather than just focusing on superficial metrics. I also highlight the various ways podcasting can benefit entrepreneurs, from building authority and attracting quality leads to driving sales and boosting search rankings - even with small numbers. It's about creating meaningful connections and making a lasting impact in your niche. This is all especially true if you are podcasting for your business (instead of as a business — if you don't know the difference, I explain it all in episode 75) Now, about that Ambie award nomination for the show I produce and edit, (Big Lash Energy)... it was a stark reminder that while it's nice to be nominated, it is not the end-all-be-all in podcasting success. It was a very nice feather in podcaster Jayna Marie's hat but her picture of success is oh so much bigger than this award! She is on her own path and by the way... she's the real deal! Need some help determining what success looks like for your podcast?  Maybe you need some help getting to that success. Let's connect and discuss how we can turn your podcasting dreams into reality. Book a free coaching call. https://podcastperformancecoach.com/
205 Podcast Script Tips: How to Improve Your Delivery and Performance
205 Podcast Script Tips: How to Improve Your Delivery and Performance
Great scripts can flop or flourish - the difference is in the delivery. And, the secret to a well-delivered script is what you're looking at when you read. In this episode, I'm sharing my top tips for marking up your script to get you the best, most engaging performance possible. This is the art of script delivery and it's a game-changer for any podcaster. Learn how to transform your scripts from dull to dynamic with insider secrets I've gleaned from over 30 years in broadcasting. Whether you're scripting top to tail or just framing your episodes with my Oreo Cookie method (check out episode 10 for more), I'll show you how to deliver like a seasoned pro. First up, let's write like we speak. Forget fancy writing – we're all about authenticity here! Embrace contractions, dropped g's, and misspellings to capture your natural voice. Now, let's talk punctuation.  It's not just for grammar nerds – it's your secret weapon for a killer performance. Add extra commas, slashes, and exclamation points to guide your delivery and keep your audience hooked. Anything that catches your eye and reminds you to... take... your... time! Say goodbye to chunky paragraphs and hello to readability! Break up your script into bite-sized chunks to make it easier to digest and deliver. Write out numbers and punctuations to avoid tripping up during your delivery. For example, my script don't have 'visit podcastperformancecoach.com' – it's 'visit podcast performance coach dot com'. Keep it smooth, keep it flowing! Grab a pen and mark up your script like a pro! Underline important words, add exclamation points, arrows – whatever helps you deliver your message with passion and conviction. Can't print your script? No problem! Use digital tools like bolding, italics, and emojis to mark up your script and enhance your delivery. And here's a little trick I learned early on – restart and repeat! After recording your full script, swing right back to the beginning and restart your read without stopping (like in episode 133). It's a surefire way to warm up and get into your flow for a flawless performance that sounds just as good out of the gate as it does on the CTA at the end. Ready to take your podcast to the next level? Implement these tips in your next recording and watch your audience grow. Click play now to listen to the full episode and take your podcasting journey to the next level. And if you're ready to turn your podcast into a marketing powerhouse, book your free podcast coaching call today! Until next time, keep podcasting like a boss!   GET THE PODCAST TUNE-UP WORKING FOR YOU https://members.podcastperformancecoach.com/ptu BOOK A FREE PODCAST COACHING CALL https://calendly.com/timwohlberg
204 Bored with Podcasting? Here's How to Tell if It's Time to Quit Your Podcast
204 Bored with Podcasting? Here's How to Tell if It's Time to Quit Your Podcast
Feel like your once-passionate podcast is turning into a chore? Maybe it's time for a podcast divorce? Don't kick your show to the curb just yet - there may be a way to rekindle the flame and turn your show into a lead-generating, authority-boosting marketing machine (without the love loss). This episode was inspired by one of my recent clients who reached out to me because he was bored. After a few hundred episodes, he was no longer feeling the love. Wisely, he reached out before doing something drastic! In this episode, I explore what causes podcast boredom, what it looks like, and the crucial questions you NEED to ask yourself before throwing in the towel. If your podcast is worth saving, then I also share actionable steps you can take to reignite your love for your show (and make it profitable too!). So, whether you're feeling uninspired, questioning the purpose of your podcast, or stuck in the comparison trap, this episode is for YOU. Let's turn that "meh" feeling back into podcasting passion and help you grow your business through the power of podcasting.   Click play to discover: The sneaky signs your phoning it in (and how to fix it) How to assess if it's YOU or your podcast that's the problem (and what to do about it) Actionable tips to re-energize your content and approach How to really get your podcast relationship to a good place by working with a Podcast Coach. Don't let your podcast relationship fizzle out! Tune in and let's rekindle the magic together. Want to turn your podcast into a marketing machine that you love to turn on? Check out The Podcast Tune-Up. https://members.podcastperformancecoach.com/ptu Or to talk about it, get on my calendar and book a FREE Podcast Coaching Call https://calendly.com/timwohlberg
203 Google Podcasts is Dead. Here's What Podcasters Need to Do to Get on YouTube Music Now
203 Google Podcasts is Dead. Here's What Podcasters Need to Do to Get on YouTube Music Now
Looking for the links? CLICK HERE for FULL shownotes and ALL the links mentioned in this episode. Google Podcasts bites the dust, BUT your podcast can THRIVE! Discover the YouTube Music magic & explode your reach with my 3 ninja migration strategies. Hit play & future-proof your podcast NOW! In this episode, I'm giving you everything you need to know about the podcast player shakeup and why you need to be on YouTube Music, like, yesterday. We're talking: Why Google Podcasts is joining the dodo (and what it means for you) The MASSIVE potential of YouTube Music for podcast domination (think millions of new listeners!) Migration made easy: 3 foolproof ways to get your podcast on YouTube Music in minutes (seriously, minutes!) Bonus ninja tips: Optimize your podcast for maximum discoverability and growth on YouTube Music   Click here for links to all the video tutorials you need to get your show set up on YouTube Music.   Ditch the panic, grab your headphones, and get ready to explode your podcast reach like never before. Hit play and let's future-proof your podcast together!   A Bigger Audience Doesn't Always Equal Success If your podcast isn't aligned with your business, attracting more listeners isn't going to mean more sales. I can help you get that podcast tuned up and serving your business goals. It all starts with a free coaching call. Get on my calendar... what are you waiting for? https://calendly.com/timwohlberg https://podcastperformancecoach.com/
202 What's the Most Powerful Way to Start a Podcast Interview?
202 What's the Most Powerful Way to Start a Podcast Interview?
Don't Blow Your Interview with the First Question! Instead, Captivate Your Audience from the Start In this episode, I want to convince you to NEVER start an episode with a LAME question again becasue it's killing your podcast. Have you ever used these open-ended fluff-questions like, 'How did you get started?' 'Tell us about yourself' and 'What got you into this?' They're generic, bore our listeners, and leave your guest floundering. These open-ended prompts lead to messy answers and uninteresting narratives. Let me break down all of the reasons to skip generic questions in your podcast interviews:   Disrespectful to your listener: Their time is valuable, don't waste it on irrelevant details. Messy for you: Sorting through rambling answers takes effort and detracts from the key points. Lazy and unprofessional: Do your research and ask targeted questions in advance. Undermines your authority: You lose control of the direction and length of the answer. Awkward for your guest: They stumble through generic prompts, hindering their best performance. So, how should podcasters start their interview? Start with a direct question that delivers immediate value to your listener. Grab their attention with the most important information right away. Remember, you're the host, guide the conversation towards what matters most to the listener. Pro Tip: Ask personal history questions during the pre-interview, then use that knowledge to craft insightful interview questions that showcase your expertise and set your guest up for success. And, don't worry - this approach doesn't mean you can't ask the background questions. You can get their origin story or their background later - once the listener actually cares about them because they've gotten valuable information or ideas. By following these tips, you can: Hook your audience and keep them engaged. Show your professionalism and preparation. Guide the conversation towards valuable content. Make your guest feel comfortable and prepared to shine. Ultimately, create a winning podcast interview for everyone involved. Ready to level up your podcast interviews? Tune in for more actionable tips and strategies! Remember, interviewing skills are something to be honed over time. Pay attention to the questions you ask, how you respond, and make sure that you represent your listener every step of the way (the conversation is for them, after all). But most importantly, start strong with an intentional question right out of the gate you know is going to deliver value to your listener. If you need help with your interview skills or aligning your show to your listener's needs (aka aligning it to your potential customer's needs), book a free coaching call. https://calendly.com/timwohlberg https://podcastperformancecoach.com/ Want to keep improving your interview skills on your own? Check out these past episodes: https://podcastperformancecoach.com/this-one-tip-will-make-you-a-much-better-interviewer/ https://podcastperformancecoach.com/185-why-your-podcast-guest-intros-suck-format/ https://podcastperformancecoach.com/040-how-to-properly-introduce-your-podcast-guest/ https://podcastperformancecoach.com/019-tell-us-not-question/ https://podcastperformancecoach.com/123-want-amazing-interview-skills-take-a-lesson-from-larry-king/
200 What Are Successful Podcasters Doing to Win at Podcasting
200 What Are Successful Podcasters Doing to Win at Podcasting
Ready to transform your podcast into a business-booming tool? In this special 200th episode, I share what I've learned from 7 years of podcasting success. Discover the secrets my clients use to grow their authority, generate leads, and convert effortlessly. Highlights of this Milestone Episode: 1. Building Your Business Foundations: Align your podcast with your existing business. Learn why clarity about your business's purpose and target audience is the first step to podcast success. 2. Unveiling Your Podcast's True Intentions: Move beyond download numbers. Understand the true purpose of your podcast and how to set meaningful goals using KPIs. 3. Crafting a System: The Power of a Funnel: Create a seamless listener journey by integrating your podcast into a well-defined funnel, mirroring your customer's journey. 4. The Ecosystem Approach: Beyond the Podcast: Leverage your podcast as a vital tool within a broader marketing ecosystem. Drive engagement across various platforms to boost your authority. 5. Embracing Support: You Don't Have to Go It Alone: Learn why successful podcasters invest in support. Discover how hiring experts and utilizing tools can make your podcasting journey more efficient and successful. Taking Action for Your Podcast's Success: Now it's your turn! Apply these insights to your podcast immediately. Clarify your business, set intentions, establish a system, create a marketing ecosystem, and don't hesitate to seek support. Your podcast growth means business growth. Book Your Free Podcast Coaching Call: Ready to be one of the success stories I brag about 100 episodes from now? Let’s dig into these areas in a free podcast coaching call. https://calendly.com/timwohlberg OR:  Visit https://PodcastPerformanceCoach.com