205 Podcast Script Tips: How to Improve Your Delivery and Performance

Just One Tip from Your Podcast Performance Coach

19-03-2024 • 6 minuti

Great scripts can flop or flourish - the difference is in the delivery.

And, the secret to a well-delivered script is what you're looking at when you read. In this episode, I'm sharing my top tips for marking up your script to get you the best, most engaging performance possible.

This is the art of script delivery and it's a game-changer for any podcaster. Learn how to transform your scripts from dull to dynamic with insider secrets I've gleaned from over 30 years in broadcasting.

Whether you're scripting top to tail or just framing your episodes with my Oreo Cookie method (check out episode 10 for more), I'll show you how to deliver like a seasoned pro.

First up, let's write like we speak.

Forget fancy writing – we're all about authenticity here! Embrace contractions, dropped g's, and misspellings to capture your natural voice.

Now, let's talk punctuation.

It's not just for grammar nerds – it's your secret weapon for a killer performance. Add extra commas, slashes, and exclamation points to guide your delivery and keep your audience hooked. Anything that catches your eye and reminds you to... take... your... time!

Say goodbye to chunky paragraphs and hello to readability!

Break up your script into bite-sized chunks to make it easier to digest and deliver. Write out numbers and punctuations to avoid tripping up during your delivery. For example, my script don't have 'visit podcastperformancecoach.com' – it's 'visit podcast performance coach dot com'. Keep it smooth, keep it flowing!

Grab a pen and mark up your script like a pro!

Underline important words, add exclamation points, arrows – whatever helps you deliver your message with passion and conviction. Can't print your script? No problem! Use digital tools like bolding, italics, and emojis to mark up your script and enhance your delivery.

And here's a little trick I learned early on – restart and repeat!

After recording your full script, swing right back to the beginning and restart your read without stopping (like in episode 133). It's a surefire way to warm up and get into your flow for a flawless performance that sounds just as good out of the gate as it does on the CTA at the end.

Ready to take your podcast to the next level?

Implement these tips in your next recording and watch your audience grow. Click play now to listen to the full episode and take your podcasting journey to the next level. And if you're ready to turn your podcast into a marketing powerhouse, book your free podcast coaching call today! Until next time, keep podcasting like a boss!





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