Wired Differently - Rewire Your Brain

Gilberto Spencer

Wired Differently is the podcast for people seeking to understand and improve their brains. Gilberto Spencer’s quest for a better brain started in 2019 when he found out that he was born with a brain condition he didn’t know about (FASD), much less understand. His condition and the many others that resulted from it motivated him to learn about the human brain, its mind, psychology, neuroscience, and thought work. In this show, Gilberto embraces his new identity as a neuro-divergent. He shares his life experiences and what he has learned in improving his brain after learning that our brains can grow and improve regardless of our circumstances. He says, ”Our brain is the cause of all of our challenges, but it is the solution to all of them too.” regardless if you have a specific condition or struggle like most people with stress, depression, or anxiety. Gilberto is a Certified Life Coach, and he runs his practice helping others improve their brain and mind and achieve their full potential. He is a serial entrepreneur, an accountant by trade, and holds a master’s in Financial Markets. Gilberto is a passionate advocate for neurodiversity and mental health, a motivational speaker, blogger, and podcaster. Gilberto’s website https://www.wired-differently.com Gilberto’s LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/gilbertospencer read less
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#012 Metacognition, the science behind Life Coaching with Professor Jerrod Brown
#012 Metacognition, the science behind Life Coaching with Professor Jerrod Brown
Dr. Brown talks about metacognition, the process of thinking about one's own thinking. Metacognition includes self-awareness, monitoring, and regulation of one's own thoughts and feelings, it can help improve the quality of our thinking. Metacognition can be used to plan our thinking, set goals, and select strategies. It can help us evaluate our thinking and learn from our mistakes, be better communicators, problem-solvers, and decision-makers, and understand our own reactions to different events and the people around us. Life Coaches use metacognitive strategies to help people become aware of their own thoughts and emotions and understand how their thoughts impact their behaviors. Metacognition is a powerful tool that will help you improve your life and reach your goals. If you are ready to develop metacognitive skills visit: https://www.wired-differently.com/work-with-me   Professor Jerrod Brown’s Education Jerrod has completed his  Ph.D. in PsychologyPost-doctoral studies Four master's degrees Cognitive DisordersCounselingForensic StudiesCriminal Justice Graduate Certificates in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)Other Health Disabilities (OHD)Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) He's also certified as a A Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) TrainerAn Autism SpecialistMental Health Integrative Medicine Provider (CMHIMP) Dr. Jerrod Brown’s Professional Experience An Assistant Professor for Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota https://www.csp.edu/person/jerrod-brown Founder and CEO of the American Institute for the Advancement of Forensic Studies (AIAFS) https://www.aiafs.com/Jerrod-Brown.asp Editor-in-Chief of Forensic Scholars Today (FST). https://www.csp.edu/academics/concordia-scholarly-publications/#forensic-scholars-today   Dr. Brown's Contact Details jerrod01234brown@live.com   Wired Differently's Favorite FASD Resources FASD HopeFASD Family Life   Wired Differently - Contact Information Website: www.wired-differently.com Email: gilberto@wired-differently.com   Wired Differently - Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wiredxdifferently_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WiredxDifferently LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gilbertospencer/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WiredDifferentx
#011 The importance of positivity and managing your mind
#011 The importance of positivity and managing your mind
In this episode, I talk about how important positivity is for our lives and also, how invaluable is the ability to learn how to manage your mind. I consider these skills as basic and important as being able to walk and write. Positivity and the ability to effectively manage your mind are important for your mental health and the health of your brain. As a brain coach, I know that the way we feel is triggered by the way we think. So, how is that you wanna feel?  When we choose to see the glass as half full instead of half empty, when we choose to focus on what's working in our lives rather than what's not, we send a message to our brain that things are good. This massage relaxes our nervous system and allows the body to function optimally. In contrast, when we dwell on negative thoughts and emotions, we trigger a stress response in the body that can lead to inflammation and disease. That's why it's so important to learn how to manage our minds and cultivate a positive outlook on life.   Projects I’m currently working on - I have debuted as a blogger. Please check it out and leave a comment https://www.wired-differently.com/blog - ETER Escuela de Comunicación. Communication school in Buenos Aires, Argentina where I’m currently taking the course, called Locución y Técnicas Vocales (Broadcasting and vocal techniques) https://eter.edu.ar   Organizations I’m currently collaborating with FASD Diagnostic Guidelines Group. I am participating in a selected group of psychologists, psychiatrists, researchers, and other medical professionals in Australia. This group is led by a highly recognized Australian University and supported by the Australian Government. Its goal is to review and update the national guidelines for the official assessment and diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) nationwide.The FASD FORUM ’22 is presented by NOFASD Australia with the support of the Australian Government Department of Health on the 13th & 14th of May. I’m participating in the lived experience panel called “What a difference a diagnosis makes” where I will be sharing about my diagnosis journey and experience, joined by others who also live with FASD. https://www.nofasd.org.au/registrations-now-open-the-fasd-forum-22-conference/FARE Australia (Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education), I’m part of their FASD lived experience group, alongside other people with FASD as well as parents and caregivers too. https://fare.org.au   Podcast I’ve been invited as a guest since my last released episode FASD Family Life with Robbie Seal The episode “Becoming Extraordinary with Gilberto Spencer”  https://www.buzzsprout.com/1736766/10160213-research-resources-edition-becoming-extraordinary-with-gilberto-spencer   FASD Hope with Natalie Vecchione In the episode: “Wired Differently: A conversation with Gilberto Spencer” https://fasdhope.podbean.com/e/118-wired-differently-a-conversation-with-gilberto-spencer/   What's new on social media Please don't forget to like Wired Differently's Facebook page where I’ve been posting videos, pictures, and much more.. https://www.facebook.com/WiredxDifferentlyWatch my latest YouTube video, "what does it mean for me to have FASD?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tXGVu7VjKU   Don’t miss out on the upcoming episodes with some amazing guests. Robyn Smith Robyn has worked for over 10 years in community-based not-for-profit organizations. Her experience includes aged care programs, parenting advice and support programs, offender reintegration, school students, and youth at risk transition strategies. She has worked with many clients and families affected by FASD, especially in the prison system. Dr. Jerrod Brown Jerrod Brown, Ph.D., is an assistant professor, trainer, researcher, and consultant with multiple years of experience teaching collegiate courses. Jerrod is currently an Assistant Professor, Program Director, and lead developer for the Master of Arts degree in Human Services with an emphasis in Forensic Behavioral Health and a second emphasis area in trauma, resilience, and self-care strategies for Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota. Jerrod has also conducted numerous training for professional and student audiences. Jerrod is also the founder and CEO of the American Institute for the Advancement of Forensic Studies (AIAFS) and the Editor-in-Chief of Forensic Scholars Today (FST). Jerrod has completed four separate master’s degree programs and holds graduate certificates in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Other Health Disabilities (OHD), and Traumatic-Brain Injuries (TBI). Jerrod has published several articles and book chapters.
#008 Finding your voice and true identity
#008 Finding your voice and true identity
#008 Finding your own voice and true identity.  When we talk about finding our voice, we do not refer to its tone but reflect on what we are passionate about. When we talk about finding our identity, we are not talking about our lost ID but about owning who we are and what we value in life. In this episode, Gilberto shares the journey of finding his voice and embracing his new identity as a neurodivergent after receiving his official diagnosis for FASD in 2020. During his assessment for FASD, he found out / was diagnosed with other conditions. Gilberto's official diagnosis/conditions include:  FASD, ADHD, Chronic Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, PTSD amongst others  - Read more about Gilberto's story Gilberto also shares how helpful and life-changing coaching has been for him. After seeing his own transformation working with a coach, he was inspired to become one himself, on a mission to help other people with FASD overcome their multiple challenges and discover their own gifts.  He later realizes that he doesn't see himself only as a person with FASD but as a neurodivergent, embracing all his multiple diagnoses and conditions, not just one. "You need to learn to tell apart what your brain is doing to you from who you are as a person. There are two completely different things." -Gilberto Spencer After finding his voice and identity as a neurodivergent, he rebranded his podcast, website, and coaching practice from The FASD Brain (www.TheFASDBrain.com) to Wired Differently (www.Wired-Differently.com). Gilberto also shares his internal struggles embracing his new identity as a Life Coach, leaving behind his previous corporate life. He worked for banks, insurance companies, and consulting firms.  He has also stepped down as the COO at Zemble, a software company he co-founded in 2017. He now works full-time on his coaching practice and advocacy work for FASD and neurodiversity. - Gilberto's LinkedIn profile. What else you will learn on this episode - The importance of knowing what your brain is doing to you - How your own perception affects your brain - If the brain is the cause, what is the solution? The science behind coaching - Metacognition is an awareness of one's own thought processes and understanding the patterns behind them. - Neuroplasticity is the ability of neural networks to change through growth and reorganization.