#010 A message for parents raising children with FASD / Neurodivergents kids

Wired Differently - Rewire Your Brain

06-03-2022 • 29 minuti

It's human nature not to want others to judge us for how we think or to have a different point of view than most people. This is exactly what happened to me after having released my first episodes, I stopped because I didn’t want to be judged by others.

In this episode, I shared how I came to the conclusion that is totally okay for people to disagree with what I think or with what I have to say, what is not okay is to mute my voice and want to people-please.

The main points I talked about

  • My approach to FASD
  • The science behind improving our brains
  • What I thought about Saturday Night Live (SNL) FASD sketch
  • What parents need to do in order to help their kids with FASD
  • My own experience using different accommodations, interventions, and strategies.
  • What we do and behave when we don’t know how to control our emotions
  • The importance of having role models

I want to help you provide your children with FASD the highest chances of success in life, achieve their full potential, embrace and celebrate who they are. I am Gilberto Spencer, I am a Life & Brain Coach. I have FASD myself and I can tell you that despite our FASD and all that comes with it we can improve and achieve our goals and dreams in life whatever they may be. If you would like to read more about me and how I could help you and your child, visit Wired Differently

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