NTE Live w/Nikki Krueger - Santa Fe Dehumidifiers

Non Toxic Environments Home Health & Wellness

27-01-2024 • 54 minuti

Today's episode is all about moisture mitigation in our homes. We all know that excess moisture can lead to mold, but its also responsible for increased chemical offgassing.  This show for everyone, even if you think you live in a dry climate and dont have anything to worry about.

Nikki Krueger is the Director of Marketing & Business Development Manager for Santa Fe freestanding and whole house ventilating dehumidifiers. She has been involved in the indoor air quality industry for over 20 years. She is a RESNET certified home energy rater, a member of the ACCA Manual Low Load Homes (LLH) Advisory Committee, sits on the building envelope committee for the Spray Polyurethane Foam Association, has completed the ACCA Residential Design for Quality Installation Certification, and is serving on the 2024 National Green Building Standard update committee.

She educates homeowner, builders, HVAC contractors, architects, engineers, crawl space contractors, and other professionals in the industry on the building science of ventilation and moisture control in buildings.

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