NTE Live with Roy Suttles, KEIM USA

Non Toxic Environments Home Health & Wellness

17-11-2023 • 1 ora 2 minuti

Imagine painting the exterior of your home and not having to think about it for at least the next 20 years.  No fading, no peeling.  Maybe think about painting the inside of your new home with no worries of trapped moisture or the smells of unhealthy latex paints. This is what mineral paints can do for you.  What is a mineral paint? Why do we want to use them? How do we make the switch from latex to mineral?  All these issues will be discussed in this episode with Roy Suttles, the manging director of Keim USA.  Keim is the world's leading manufacturer of mineral paints and I think you're going to love what you hear about them.

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