
Sadaf Beynon and Matt Edmundson

While many businesses are already tapping into the podcasting arena, not everyone knows how to refine and maximize this tool for optimal business growth. This is where podjunction comes in - in each episode we'll be spotlighting guests who have unique podcasting journeys to bring your insights from savvy entrepreneurs who have cracked the code to podcasting success. Our weekly bite-sized episodes promise fresh insights and actionable advice. read less


Developing a Multi-Platform Approach
Developing a Multi-Platform Approach
In this episode of Podjunction hosts Matt Edmundson and Sadaf Beynon, inspired by an interview with Peter Murphy Lewis, discuss the benefits of a multi-platform approach and how LinkedIn, Youtube and SEO Strategies can help you grow your business and expand your podcasts reach. Peter also shares valuable insights pertaining to LinkedIn's Creator Status and second level connections for growth and status.Key Takeaways:Multi-Platform Approach for Growth: Peter Murphy Lewis emphasises the importance of using a multi-platform approach to maximise podcast reach and impact. By integrating podcasts with television, social media platforms like LinkedIn and YouTube, and employing strategies like SEO and backlinks, content creators can significantly increase engagement and credibility.LinkedIn's Creator Status and Second-Level Connections: Peter highlights the benefits of utilising LinkedIn's creator status to boost visibility and engagement. By creating native content on LinkedIn and leveraging second-level connections, podcasters can extend their network and influence.Authenticity and Non-Salesy Conversations: Authenticity in podcast conversations is crucial for building genuine connections with the audience. Peter advises against overly sales-focused dialogues, suggesting that providing value through authentic interactions is more effective in engaging listeners and fostering trust.Unlock the potential of your podcast today! Don’t miss out on transforming your podcast into a powerful business tool—visit Podjunction.com to discover resources, tips, and opportunities that can take your podcast to the next level. Subscribe now and elevate your podcasting journey!
Become a Skilled Networker
Become a Skilled Networker
In this weeks episode of Podjunction - the first of a four-part series with Peter Murphy Lewis - Hosts Sadaf Beynon and Matt Edmundson leverage insights gained from Peter to discuss the growth potential provided by Podcasting. They explore how to use your status as a trusted podcaster effectively at industry networking events, how to engage with strategic guests and create evergreen content for ongoing value.Key Takeaways:Leveraging Industry Events: Using podcasts as a tool to gain access to industry events can significantly enhance networking opportunities. By positioning oneself as a media partner or interviewer, podcasters can connect with key stakeholders, conduct interviews, and distribute valuable content across various platforms.Networking with Strategic Guests: Targeting individuals who are influential in their fields but not yet prominent in digital spaces can be a powerful strategy. By interviewing board members and stakeholders who hold offline influence, podcasters can build strong relationships and open doors to further opportunities.Creating Evergreen Content: Repurposing content from interviews at conventions into various formats such as PDFs, webinars, and podcasts can extend the value of the material. This approach not only benefits the podcast host but also provides lasting value to the interviewees and their networks, fostering ongoing engagement and visibility.Unlock the potential of your podcast today! Don’t miss out on transforming your podcast into a powerful business tool—visit Podjunction.com to discover resources, tips, and opportunities that can take your podcast to the next level. Subscribe now and elevate your podcasting journey!
Build a Successful Multi-Host Podcast
Build a Successful Multi-Host Podcast
In this weeks episode, Podjunctions final, full episode with guest John Roman of ASOM Pod, host Sadaf Beynon sits down to discuss with John the intricacies of podcasting. The pair talk about the logistics of recording a podcast, the benefit of a collaborative group dynamic and the strategic business potential of a podcast. Key Takeaways: Unique Podcast Collaboration Model: John Roman discusses the unique structure of his podcast, ASOM Pod, which features a diverse panel of hosts from different areas of expertise in the eCommerce industry. By combining perspectives from a brand operator, agency owner, software developer, and marketer, the podcast aims to deliver well-rounded discussions and avoid groupthink, thus offering listeners a more comprehensive view of the eCommerce landscape. Challenges and Learning in Podcast Production: The conversation highlights the logistical challenges of recording a podcast with geographically dispersed co-hosts. Additionally, John and his team learned the importance of using dedicated microphones for better audio quality and discovered the efficiencies of AI tools like Opus Pro for editing. Podcasting as a Strategic Business Tool: John emphasises podcasting as a strategic tool for business growth, especially in the B2B sector. He believes podcasts can build thought leadership, enhance brand visibility, and foster community engagement. While the direct-to-consumer benefits are less clear-cut, podcasting can still support business objectives by positioning brands as industry leaders and expanding networks. If you enjoy this episode of Podjunction and want to dive deeper into the world of podcasting, don't miss out on our future episodes! Subscribe now on your favourite podcast platform! Start transforming your business with the power of podcasting today!
Podcastings Unexpected Business Opportunities
Podcastings Unexpected Business Opportunities
Welcome to Podjunction Podcast! In this, our third episode with ASOM Pod co-host John Roman, Matt and Sadaf break down the many ways in which podcasting can be used to serve multiple business goals. John again shares valuable insights that are key for any podcasters who want to use their passion to grow their business .Key Takeaways :Leveraging Podcasts for Diverse Business Goals: Podcasts can serve multiple purposes beyond just content creation and audience engagement. For B2B businesses, podcasts act as a direct funnel for client acquisition, while for B2C businesses, they enhance brand awareness and establish thought leadership, providing unexpected opportunities such as tech partnerships and sponsorships.Importance of Sharing Industry Wisdom: Sharing best practices and industry insights not only helps others save time and avoid common pitfalls but also positions the sharer as a thought leader. John Roman emphasises the value of being generous with knowledge and using past experiences, including failures, to provide actionable insights to others.Consistency and Community Engagement: Consistent content creation and active community engagement are crucial for building a strong presence and influence in the industry. Utilising platforms like LinkedIn to share podcast content and creating supportive networks, like ASOM Pod’s WhatsApp group, can significantly amplify reach and impact, fostering a thriving community of followers and collaborators.If you liked this episode tune in next week to our fourth and final episode with John Roman and discover more gems of wisdom that he has to offer. Make sure to keep an eye out for Podjunction Podcast on whatever platform you prefer to listen, join us weekly and start your podcast journey today!
How to Engage Your Audience
How to Engage Your Audience
In the second episode of their series with ASOM Pod Co-Host John Roman, hosts Sadaf Beynon and Matt Edmundson explore how the relationship between podcast hosts and the character and rapport they develop can help to connect you with your audience.Key Takeaways:The Importance of Chemistry and Selection in Co-Hosting: John Roman highlights that having a natural chemistry with co-hosts is crucial for a successful podcast. The selection process is key to ensuring that each co-host brings unique perspectives and can contribute meaningfully to discussions. This avoids groupthink and keeps the content engaging and diverse.Balancing Information and Entertainment: Both John and the hosts emphasise the need for podcasts to be both informative and entertaining. Injecting humour and banter helps keep the content relatable and enjoyable for listeners. This balance is essential to maintain listener engagement and make the podcast appealing to a broader audience.Relevance and Relatability to the Audience: Being relatable and discussing topics that matter to the audience is critical for building a loyal listener base. Authenticity is key; hosts need to be themselves and talk about issues that are relevant and interesting to their audience. This helps in establishing a strong connection with listeners and encourages them to keep coming back for more.If you enjoy this episode of Podjunction and want to dive deeper into the world of podcasting, don't miss out on our future episodes! Subscribe now on your favourite podcast platform! Start transforming your business with the power of podcasting today!
How Diverse Perspectives Can Elevate Your Podcast
How Diverse Perspectives Can Elevate Your Podcast
In this vital episode of Podjunction Podcast Hosts Sadaf Beynon and Matt Edmundson discuss the benefits of diverse perspectives on a podcast, along with the crucial role of collaboration and the benefits of batch recording, all prompted by expert insights from ASOM Pod Co-Host John Roman.Collaborative Content Creation: Collaboration is key and ASOM Pod exemplifies its power in podcasting. By bringing together four experts from different fields (agency, brand, software, and marketing), the podcast offers diverse perspectives and richer content. This collaborative approach not only enriches the discussion but also shares the workload and amplifies promotion efforts through each host's network.Efficiency Through Batch Recording: John highlights the efficiency of batch recording multiple episodes in one session. This method ensures a consistent content pipeline, reduces the frequency of coordination, and makes the best use of time and resources. For example, ASOM Pod records several episodes during conferences, taking advantage of the hosts' presence in one location.In-Person Interaction Enhances Engagement: Despite the logistical challenges ASOM Pod faces, John believes recording in person fosters better chemistry and more dynamic interactions among hosts. This episode underscores the importance of in-person recordings for maintaining engaging and natural banter, which can be harder to achieve remotely.If you enjoy this episode of Podjunction and want to dive deeper into the world of podcasting, don't miss out on our future episodes! Subscribe now on your favourite podcast platform! Start transforming your business with the power of podcasting today!
How to Grow a Successful Podcast
How to Grow a Successful Podcast
Welcome to another episode of PodJunction Podcast, in today’s episode, we present our full conversation with veteran of the advertising industry, Skip Wilson. In conversation with host Sadaf Beynon Skip shares his journey from starting as a copywriter at 16 to building the iHeart podcast network and eventually leading Draft Media Partners. Skip provides many valuable insights, discussing how to launch and scale you podcast. Main Takeaways: Consistency is Crucial: Maintaining a regular posting schedule is essential for building and retaining an audience. Even if your recording times vary, ensure that new episodes are consistently available to listeners. This consistency helps in establishing reliability and trust with your audience.Leverage Guests for Promotion: Having high-quality guests on your podcast can significantly boost your reach. Skip emphasises that guests often promote their appearance on your show to their followers, driving organic growth and attracting new listeners. It is good strategy to select guests who are engaging and have a relevant following to maximise this benefit.Focus on Storytelling and Character Consistency: Good storytelling is a vital component of a successful podcast. Whether your podcast is conversational or more structured, maintaining consistent themes and character roles helps in creating a compelling and engaging experience for listeners. This consistency in character and content keeps the audience invested in your podcast.If you enjoy this episode of Podjunction and want to dive deeper into the world of podcasting, don't miss out on our future episodes! Subscribe now on your favourite podcast platform and start transforming your business with the power of podcasting today!
How to Master Podcast Consistency
How to Master Podcast Consistency
In this episode of Podjunction, hosts Sadaf Beynon and Matt Edmundson discuss the challenges and strategies of podcasting to grow a business. They share personal experiences and insights from their guest, Skip Wilson, who highlights the initial struggle of creating content that feels like it goes into the void, the importance of consistency in posting, and the concept of maintaining parasocial consistency in character roles.Consistency in Posting: Skip highlights how crucial it is to maintain a regular posting schedule for your podcast. While recording times can vary, ensuring that new episodes are consistently published on a set schedule helps build and retain an audience.Finding Your Voice and Style: Starting out, Skip encourages podcasters to focus on finding their unique voice and style. This involves gaining confidence and comfort through continuous practice, and understanding that initial content may not immediately reach a wide audience, which serves as valuable training ground.Storytelling and Character Consistency: Effective storytelling is vital for creating an engaging podcast. The episode emphasises that Hosts should maintain consistent themes and character roles within their episodes to provide a coherent and reliable experience for listeners, enhancing listener engagement and loyalty.If you enjoyed this episode of Podjunction and want to dive deeper into the world of podcasting, don't miss out on our future episodes! Subscribe now on your favourite podcast platform and join our Podjunction Cohort to connect with other podcasters and access exclusive content. Start transforming your business with the power of podcasting today!
Start Your Own Podcast With Expert Tips
Start Your Own Podcast With Expert Tips
In this episode of Podjunction, hosts Matt Edmundson and Sadaf Beynon welcome Skip Wilson for the third part of their enlightening series. Skip shares valuable advice for those who are new to podcasting or contemplating starting their own podcast.Key TakeawaysBe an Avid Listener in Your Niche: To create a successful podcast, immerse yourself in the content of your niche. Listening to various podcasts helps you understand best practices, identify what resonates with listeners, and discover your own preferences. This foundational step ensures you are well-informed and prepared to craft engaging and relevant content.Consistency is Crucial: Maintaining consistency in your podcast's format, length, and content is essential for retaining and growing your audience. Listeners develop expectations, and deviations from the norm can lead to disappointment. Whether you choose a highly produced or conversational format, stick to it and deliver regularly to build trust and reliability with your audience.Utilize Tools to Simplify Production: Leveraging tools like Riverside and Descript can streamline your podcast production process, making it easier to maintain quality and consistency. These tools help reduce the workload, allowing you to focus more on content creation and audience engagement. Simplifying production logistics can make podcasting more sustainable and enjoyable.This weeks episode is a must listen for anyone starting out in the podcast world, Skip provides a masterclass in how to start your own podcast offering valuable insights to all who listen.
How Podcasting Can Connect You With Clients
How Podcasting Can Connect You With Clients
In this episode of Podjunction, hosts Matt Edmundson and Sadaf Beynon explore the intersection of business and podcasting with a focus on using podcasts as a marketing tool to grow a business. The episode features a segment from Skip Wilson, host of the Advertising Podcast. Skip shares his journey in advertising, starting as a copywriter at 16, and discusses why he started his podcast primarily for marketing purposes and lead generation.Key Takeaways:Podcasting as a Lead Generation Tool: Skip Wilson highlights the effectiveness of using podcasts to generate leads by inviting potential clients as guests. This approach facilitates conversations with busy professionals who might not be easily reachable through traditional marketing methods. By positioning the podcast as a platform for valuable industry insights, it opens doors to building relationships and potential business opportunities.Dual Purpose of Business Podcasts: The episode underscores the importance of structuring a podcast to benefit the company regardless of its listener count. Skip Wilson explains that a well-designed podcast can serve as a reservoir of knowledge, helping to onboard new clients by providing them with a deeper understanding of the company's culture and services. This dual-purpose approach ensures that even with a small audience, the podcast remains a valuable asset to the business.Strategic Content Creation: Skip's upcoming podcast, the Advertising Singularity, will focus on the future of advertising technology without featuring guests. This content strategy aims to engage potential clients through thought leadership and unique insights, further solidifying the podcast as a vital part of the company's marketing and lead nurturing efforts. Additionally, Matt shares how their podcast, Push To Be More, integrates elevator pitches and guest interactions to subtly promote their services.Whether you're a podcasting newbie or a seasoned veteran, this episode of Podjunction offers invaluable insights into using podcasts as a powerful marketing tool.
The Unexpected Joys of Podcasting
The Unexpected Joys of Podcasting
In this engaging episode of Podjunction, hosts Matt Edmundson and Sadaf Beynon have a lively conversation about the unexpected benefits of podcasting with special guest Eagan Heath. Eagan, a seasoned podcaster and marketing expert, shares his insights and experiences on how podcasting goes beyond business growth, offering personal fulfilment and joy.Episode Highlights:Unexpected Joys of Podcasting: Eagan reveals the personal satisfaction and enjoyment he derives from podcasting and emphasises the joy of connecting with new people and engaging in meaningful conversations.Importance of Iteration and Improvement: Eagan discusses the significance of constantly refining the podcast format and how he uses the strategy of starting episodes with compelling teasers to captivate listeners, especially on YouTube.Value of Specialised Podcasts: Find out why Eagan believes specialty and limited-series podcasts are an important tool for lead generation and demonstrating expertiseEngage with Us:Website: Visit Podjunction.com for more episodes.Instagram: Follow us @PodjunctionPodcast and join the conversation.Feedback: Got a story to share or a question for the hosts? Drop us a message on our website or Instagram. Or tell us how have you tackled podcast production challenges? What tools and strategies have worked best for you? Join the conversation and let us know!Don't forget to subscribe for more behind-the-scenes insights and practical tips to take your podcast to the next level. Whether you're just starting or looking to revamp your existing podcast, join us on this unscripted journey of podcast growth and community building!
How to Use Podcasts to Grow Your Business
How to Use Podcasts to Grow Your Business
Welcome to another insightful episode of Podjunction, where business meets podcasting. This week, Matt Edmundson and Sadaf talk with Eagan Heath about the transformative power of podcasting for business growth. Whether you're a podcasting newbie or a seasoned pro, Eagan shares practical tips and strategies that can help you leverage podcasts to expand your network, attract clients, and grow your business. Get ready for a blend of humor, valuable insights, and actionable advice!Episode Highlights:Building Referral Partnerships: Learn how Eagan successfully built referral partnerships through his podcast, expanding his network and client base.Content That Matters: Discover the importance of creating podcast episodes around topics that address your potential clients' specific needs and pain points.Podcast Integration in Sales: Find out how integrating podcast episodes into your sales process can pre-sell your expertise and smooth the sales process.Client Acquisition through Podcasts: Hear real-life examples of clients who reached out to Eagan after listening to his podcast episodes.Know, Like, and Trust Factor: Understand how podcasting helps build a personal connection with your audience, enhancing the know, like, and trust factor.Engage with Us:Website: Visit Podjunction.com for more episodes.Instagram: Follow us @PodjunctionPodcast and join the conversation.Feedback: Got a story to share or a question for the hosts? Drop us a message on our website or Instagram.Don't forget to subscribe for more behind-the-scenes insights and practical tips to take your podcast to the next level. Whether you're just starting or looking to revamp your existing podcast, join us on this unscripted journey of podcast growth and community building!
Simplify Podcast Production with These Hacks
Simplify Podcast Production with These Hacks
In this episode, we dive deep into the world of podcast production with insights from Eagan Heath, a successful podcaster who shares his journey and the challenges he has faced.Join hosts Sadaf and Matt Edmundson as they chat with Eagan Heath about the real struggles of maintaining a consistent podcast release schedule. Eagan reveals that the hardest part isn't finding guests, but managing the production process. He shares how hiring Miriam, a skilled assistant, transformed his workflow, allowing him to increase his episode release frequency significantly.Eagan also highlights the power of using tools like Riverside and Descript. Riverside's local recording feature ensures high-quality video even with poor internet connections, while Descript's user-friendly interface makes editing quick and easy. These tools have reduced production time dramatically, making podcasting more accessible and less overwhelming.Episode Highlights:Biggest Challenge: Production, Not Guests: Eagan discusses how production was his biggest hurdle, not finding guests.Hiring the Right Help: Learn how hiring a skilled assistant transformed Eagan's workflow.Leveraging Technology: Discover how tools like Riverside and Descript can improve your production quality and efficiency.Practical Tips for Podcasters: Eagan shares actionable advice on managing podcast production effectively.Engage with Us:Website: Visit Podjunction.com for more episodes.Instagram: Follow us @PodjunctionPodcast and join the conversation.Feedback: Got a story to share or a question for the hosts? Drop us a message on our website or Instagram. Or tell us how have you tackled podcast production challenges? What tools and strategies have worked best for you? Join the conversation and let us know!Don't forget to subscribe for more behind-the-scenes insights and practical tips to take your podcast to the next level. Whether you're just starting or looking to revamp your existing podcast, join us on this unscripted journey of podcast growth and community building!
How to Supercharge Your Business with Podcasts
How to Supercharge Your Business with Podcasts
In this episode of Podjunction, we talk about leveraging your podcast to supercharge your business. In this episode, hosts Matt Edmundson and Sadaf introduce Eagan Heath, a seasoned marketer who has cracked the code on using podcasts to boost business growth. Whether you’re new to podcasting or a seasoned pro, this episode is packed with insights and actionable tips that will help you harness the power of podcasting to elevate your business.Episode Highlights:Alignment of Podcast Content with Business Goals: Learn how aligning your podcast content with your business objectives can build trust and drive growth.Long-term Commitment and Consistency: Discover why having a long-term outlook and consistent content production are crucial for podcast success.Effective Outreach and Guest Selection: Eagan shares his tips on how to be concise and clear in your communication to attract the right guests and opportunities.Strategic Content Creation: Understand the importance of having a clear, niche-focused content strategy for your podcast.Rebranding and Evolution: Hear about Eagan’s journey through multiple rebrands and how he continuously refines his podcast to better serve his audience.Engage with Us:Website: Visit Podjunction.com for more episodes.Instagram: Follow us @PodjunctionPodcast and join the conversation.Feedback: Got a story to share or a question for the hosts? Drop us a message on our website or Instagram.Don't forget to subscribe for more behind-the-scenes insights and practical tips to take your podcast to the next level. Whether you're just starting or looking to revamp your existing podcast, join us on this unscripted journey of podcast growth and community building!
Behind the Scenes with Our Podcast Journey
Behind the Scenes with Our Podcast Journey
In this episode of Podjunction, hosts Matt and Sadaf, along with guest Lee Houghton, explore the twists, turns, and triumphs of podcasting. Whether you're a budding podcaster or a seasoned pro, there's something in this journey for everyone!Episode Highlights:The Importance of Authenticity: How staying true to your roots and being genuine with your audience can dramatically boost listener engagement and loyalty.Building a Community: Insights on creating a thriving community around your podcast. We discuss strategies for involving listeners, encouraging interactions, and building a platform where everyone feels heard.The Value of Feedback: The hosts talk about the importance of listener feedback and how it has shaped their podcasting journey. Learn how to use feedback constructively to improve content and listener experience.Growing Pains and Gains: Matt and Lee share personal anecdotes about the challenges they faced in the early days and the lessons learned that helped them grow.Continuous Improvement: Tips on how to keep improving your podcast, including the potential benefits and drawbacks of re-recording early episodes.Behind the Tech: A sneak peek into the technical side of Podjunction, including the custom AMP platform they've developed for podcast management.Engage with Us:Website: Visit Podjunction.com for more episodes.Instagram: Follow us @PodjunctionPodcast and join the conversation.Feedback: Got a story to share or a question for the hosts? Drop us a message on our website or Instagram.Don't forget to subscribe for more behind-the-scenes insights and practical tips to take your podcast to the next level. Whether you're just starting or looking to revamp your existing podcast, join us on this unscripted journey of podcast growth and community building!
Chat Your Way to Bigger Business!
Chat Your Way to Bigger Business!
Welcome to this exciting episode of Podjunction where we dive into the transformative power of podcasting for business growth. Join hosts Matt Edmundson and Sadaf Beynon as they discuss with guest expert Lee Houghton, the secrets behind using podcasts as a strategic tool to enhance networking, relationship building, and ultimately expanding your business reach.In this episode, you'll discover:The Evolution of Podcasting: How podcasting has become an integral tool for business and personal growth.Strategic Networking: Learn the best strategies for using podcasting to expand your professional network.Building Relationships: Insights into maintaining long-term relationships with podcast guests that lead to ongoing opportunities.Efficient Guest Sourcing: Tips on sourcing and selecting podcast guests that align with your brand's message and audience interests.Transforming Interactions into Opportunities: How to convert casual chats into meaningful professional engagements.Key Takeaways:Leveraging LinkedIn to connect with potential podcast guests and how it has simplified the process of guest acquisition.The importance of personalisation in outreach efforts and its impact on guest experiences.Best practices for keeping in touch with guests post-podcast to build lasting connections.Connect with Us:Visit our website at Podjunction.com to join our community and get access to exclusive content.Follow us on social media to stay updated on upcoming episodes and behind-the-scenes peeks.Tune in to "Chat Your Way to Bigger Business" to learn how you can enhance your podcasting strategy to foster growth and create impactful professional relationships. Whether you’re a budding podcaster or looking to refine your approach, this episode is packed with actionable insights just for you!