06-22-2024 - on This Moment in Film History

Film History - Daily

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On June 22, 1987, the iconic science fiction action film "Predator" was released in the United States. Directed by John McTiernan and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, the movie became a massive success and spawned a franchise that continues to this day.

The plot revolves around an elite special forces team, led by Schwarzenegger's character Dutch, who are sent on a mission to rescue hostages in a Central American rainforest. However, they soon find themselves being hunted by an advanced alien predator with incredible strength, advanced technology, and the ability to camouflage itself.

"Predator" was praised for its intense action sequences, groundbreaking special effects, and the memorable design of the alien creature. The Predator's design, created by Stan Winston, has become one of the most recognizable and iconic monsters in cinema history. The film also featured a strong cast, including Carl Weathers, Jesse Ventura, and Shane Black, who would later go on to direct the 2018 sequel "The Predator."

The success of "Predator" led to numerous sequels, crossover films with the "Alien" franchise, video games, comics, and novels. The film's influence can still be seen in modern action and science fiction movies, with its blend of high-octane action, suspense, and a formidable alien antagonist.

Interestingly, the movie's now-famous line "Get to the chopper!" was improvised by Schwarzenegger during filming. The line has since become a popular catchphrase and has been referenced and parodied in countless forms of media.

"Predator" remains a landmark in both the science fiction and action genres, thanks to its iconic creature design, memorable characters, and thrilling action sequences that continue to captivate audiences more than three decades after its release.

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