Title: Weekly Meal Plan and Planning From Your Pantry, Fridge and Freezer
Description: All too often, I feel we start meal planning sometimes a little bit backwards LOL! We pick our recipes and then we buy the ingredients and then we make those recipes, right?
What if for a moment, we reversed engineered meal planning Here's what I mean…. What if instead of picking recipes first we took an inventory of what we had and worked from there?
Not only will this feel so good, and it will help eliminate food waste, and stress. I bet that it will make it a little bit easier, and it might even lower your grocery bill this week, as you probably already have a lot of the things in your fridge, freezer and pantry.
And to help you get started, I have a free inventory workbook with templates to take inventory of your fridge, freezer, and pantry that you can download for free at bit.ly/busy Mama meal planning and you can start taking inventory of what you have and then create a list so you always know what you have on hand, and what you need.
Weekly Meal Plan:
Monday- chicken parmesan, with pasta, and green beans
Tuesday- shepherd's pie
Wednesday- sheet pan fajitas
Thursday- beef and broccoli on rice
Friday-breakfast for supper-Crepes
Saturday-chicken nuggets and fries
Sunday-Wendy’s Chili
Instant pot hacks: Make your rice in the instant pot. I cup rice in 2 cups of water. Put on high for 3 minutes and natural release for 10. Will give you fluffy rice
I challenge yourself this week to reverse engineer your meal planning and start by working with what you already have. It may just simplify your life and leave you feeling pleasantly surprised!
Other tips to save time and energy:
Here’s what to do next:
Step #1: Download your free Inventory Guide: bit.ly/busymamamealplanning
Step #2: Follow me on Facebook for more dinner and meal planning tips and hacks @ busymamamealplanning
Step #3: Book your FREE No strings attached Meal Planning Coffee Chat to help accelerate your meal planning journey!
Happy to help! Have questions, send me a DM @blagagoertzen.
Again, thanks again for being here! I’m so grateful for you! And I’ll be waiting for you in my next episode!
Xx Blaga