Ep.30 - Whispers of the Past: Navigating Venice Through History and Anecdotes. A chat with Alessandro Marzo Magno, Venetian writer & journalist

Venice Talks

02-04-2023 • 48 minuti

In this episode Monica is talking to Alessandro Marzo Magno, Venetian writer & journalist about the history and anecdotes of Venice. Graduated in Venetian history at the University of Venice, he is the author of 20 books and has edited other volumes of essays. With the air of a reporter and with the rigor of the historian, Alessandro took me on an exciting walk through the centuries to reconstruct the history that led some islets of the Adriatic lagoon to dominate the middle of the Mediterranean for centuries, and beyond.

Step into the enchanting world of Venice as we dive deep into its rich history and mesmerizing anecdotes! Join us on an unforgettable journey through the captivating canals and majestic palaces that have witnessed centuries of mystery and romance. From the legendary figures that shaped Venice's destiny to the hidden secrets tucked away in its winding streets, our podcast unlocks the Pandora's box of historical wonders. So, grab your headphones and let's embark on this thrilling adventure together! Don't miss out on our podcast episode - press play now and let the magic of Venice unfold before your very ears!

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