Beyond Basics: Exploring Sophisticated Uses of HighLevel for Customer and Lead engagement using the new Page Viewed Trigger

The HighLevel Experience

17-03-2024 • 1 ora 14 minuti

7 - Beyond Basics: Exploring Sophisticated Uses of HighLevel for Customer and Lead engagement using the new Page Viewed Trigger

Welcome to another episode of the HighLevel Experience Podcast, where we dive deep into the latest and most sophisticated uses of HighLevel to supercharge your customer and lead engagement strategies. Today, it's just Vit and Andrew here, and we're geeking out on HighLevel's game-changing updates, especially the much-anticipated Page Viewed Trigger. Let's unlock the full potential of HighLevel together in this episode.

Key Highlights:

  • Introduction to HighLevel's Latest Updates (00:00:08)
  • Vit Muller and Andrew Kamide share their excitement about the newest features HighLevel has rolled out, focusing on the innovations designed to enhance user engagement and sales conversion processes.
  • Exploring the New Website Page Funnel Page Trigger (00:00:45)
  • A deep dive into the newly introduced website page funnel page trigger, its implications for marketers, and the sophisticated strategies you can now implement to target and retarget leads more effectively.
  • The Power of Lead Scoring and Grading in Sales Conversion (00:02:05)
  • Discussion on the significance of lead scoring and grading within HighLevel, and how these tools can revolutionize the way businesses approach sales conversions and lead management.
  • Crafting Content for Every Stage of the Buyer's Journey (00:04:37)
  • Insights into creating targeted content that caters to different stages of the buyer's journey, from awareness to decision-making, and how HighLevel supports this process to ensure maximum engagement and conversion.
  • Leveraging HighLevel for Advanced Lead Tracking and Engagement (00:08:15)
  • Andrew shares how HighLevel's features, especially the Page Viewed Trigger, can be utilized to track lead activities more accurately, enabling businesses to send personalized messages and offers based on specific user actions.
  • The Future of Customer Engagement with ChatHQ (00:25:09)
  • An overview of how the integration of ChatHQ with HighLevel can take customer engagement to the next level, offering personalized experiences and support through advanced tracking and messaging capabilities.
  • Maximizing Sales Opportunities with HighLevel's Page Triggers (00:13:14)
  • Detailed strategies on using HighLevel's page triggers to identify sales-ready leads, optimize your sales funnel, and ensure that your team focuses their efforts on the most promising opportunities.

This episode unpacks the transformative updates to HighLevel, emphasizing the newly introduced Page Viewed Trigger and its potential to revolutionize customer and lead engagement strategies. Through strategic lead scoring, content tailoring, and sophisticated tracking, businesses can now offer unparalleled personalized experiences, driving conversions and fostering loyalty.

More Highlights:

Key points we talked about in this pilot episode!

  • 00:45 Exploring the New Website Page Funnel Page Trigger
  • 02:05 The Power of Lead Scoring and Grading in Sales Conversion
  • 04:37 Crafting Content for Every Stage of the Buyer's Journey
  • 08:15 Leveraging HighLevel for Advanced Lead Tracking and Engagement
  • 13:14 Maximizing Sales Opportunities with HighLevel's Page Triggers
  • 25:09 The Future of Customer Engagement with ChatHQ
  • 39:50 Exploring White Label Knowledge Bases and AI Integration
  • 40:31 The Power of Knowledge Bases in Streamlining Management
  • 40:45 Leveraging ChatHQ for Enhanced Knowledge Sharing
  • 41:14 Onboarding and Training: Courses vs. Knowledge Bases
  • 41:39 Innovative Training with F45 and HighLevel Memberships
  • 44:30 Gamification...

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