From Student To Practitioner To Instructor: Penn State's Podcast Ecosystem

Continuing Studies: for Higher Ed Podcasters

27-05-2024 • 30 minuti

Building partnership & keeping alumni engaged through podcasting.

Katie DeFiore shares her journey from a passionate podcast listener to becoming a key player in the educational podcasting scene at Penn State. She frames the creation and development of “Dare to Disrupt,” detailing the strategic planning, marketing, and alumni engagement that have shaped its success. The conversation also explores the significance of integrating podcasting with university programs and the impact of live podcast events. Katie also provides insight into the partnership between podcasting and alumni engagement.

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(00:00:00) Introduction
Hosts Neil McPhedran and Jennifer-Lee introduce guest Katie DeFiore, producer of the "Dare to Disrupt" podcast from Penn State.

(00:02:04) Katie DeFiore’s Journey

Katie shares her journey from student to podcast producer, including her work with the Democracy Group Podcast Network.

(00:03:34) About Dare to Disrupt

How the Dare to Disrupt podcast started, highlighting stories of Penn State alumni who are innovators and entrepreneurs.

(00:05:29) Engaging Alumni and Format Strategy

Insight into how the podcast engages alumni and integrates into the broader marketing strategy of Invent Penn State.

(00:09:24) Invent Penn State Overview

The mission and programs of Invent Penn State, including the LaunchBox and Innovation Network.

(00:11:29) Collaboration with Ryan Newman

Working with outside collaborator Ryan Newman and the importance of feedback for continuous improvement.

(00:13:35) Live Podcasting Experience

The experience and logistics of recording a live podcast episode during Penn State Startup Week.

(00:17:31) Impact of Live Episodes

The impact and feedback from the live podcast episode, and the challenges of tracking audience growth.

(00:20:00) Teaching Podcasting at Penn State

The transition from taking the first podcasting class at Penn State to teaching it, highlighting the growing interest in podcasting among students.

(00:22:37) Building a Podcasting Community

Katie’s initiative to create a Penn State Podcasting Community of Practice, fostering collaboration and support among university podcasters.

(00:25:24) Higher Ed Pods Global Community

Connecting Penn State podcasters with the global Higher Ed Pods community.

(00:26:24) Conclusion

  • (00:00) - Introduction
  • (02:04) - Katie DeFiore’s Journey
  • (03:34) - About Dare to Disrupt
  • (05:29) - Engaging Alumni and Format Strategy
  • (09:24) - Invent Penn State Overview
  • (11:29) - Collaboration with Ryan Newman
  • (13:35) - Live Podcasting Experience
  • (17:31) - Impact of Live Episodes
  • (20:00) - Teaching Podcasting at Penn State
  • (22:37) - Building a Podcasting Community
  • (25:24) - Higher Ed Pods Global Community
  • (26:24) - Conclusion

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