Alumni Podcasts: Engaging Your Alumni Community

Continuing Studies: for Higher Ed Podcasters

15-04-2024 • 31 minuti

How storytelling through podcasts can enhance alumni engagement and community involvement.

Neil & Jen welcome Sarah Hillel from Alumni Podcasts to explore the opportunities to engage alumni thru podcasting. Sarah shares her extensive background in alumni relations and discusses how storytelling through podcasts can significantly enhance alumni engagement and community involvement. They delve into the benefits of integrating historical archives into podcasts, bringing to life the stories of alumni across generations. Sarah also highlights the practical uses of podcasts as tools for recruitment and professional development, illustrating their versatility with examples from different educational institutions. The episode also covers the shifting trends in media consumption among younger audiences and discusses how educational institutions can leverage these changes to foster deeper connections through audio content.

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(00:00:00) Introduction

Hosts Neil McPhedran and Jennifer Lee introduce guest Sarah Hillel from Alumni Podcast.

(00:02:01) Background and Evolution of Alumni Podcasting

Sarah Hillel discusses her background in alumni relations and the transition to alumni podcasting.

(00:05:10) The Power of Storytelling in Educational Institutions

The importance of storytelling in education and how institutions can utilize podcasts to connect with alumni.

(00:07:34) Learning from Alumni Experiences

The value of sharing alumni experiences of failures and successes and how these stories can inspire and guide current students.

(00:14:39) Pirate Radio and Personal Stories

Sarah shares her unique experiences with pirate radio and other personal anecdotes.

(00:17:48) The Expanding Reach of Podcasts in Higher Education

Research findings on podcast demographics and the strategic incorporation of podcasting in media planning for higher education.

(00:19:57) The Multifunctionality of Podcasts

How podcasts can be repurposed into multiple content formats enhancing outreach and engagement

(00:23:32) The Future of Podcasting and Audio Content

The enduring relevance of audio content and its integration with modern technology and the potential evolution of podcasting in educational contexts.

(00:27:53) Conclusion

  • (00:00) - Introduction
  • (02:01) - Background and Evolution of Alumni Podcasting
  • (05:10) - The Power of Storytelling in Educational Institutions
  • (07:34) - Learning from Alumni Experiences
  • (14:39) - Pirate Radio and Personal Stories
  • (17:48) - The Expanding Reach of Podcasts in Higher Education
  • (19:57) - The Multifunctionality of Podcasts
  • (23:32) - The Future of Podcasting and Audio Content
  • (27:53) - Conclusion

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