37: From Justin to Kelly; Or, 2003 - A Review on Fashion

This Was A Thing: The Retro Podcast

17-05-2022 • 51 minuti

“American Idol” season one was an entertainment behemoth in the 2002. It introduced us to sassy judges and gave the world the multi-hyphened legend, Ryan Seacrest. But besides that, it also introduced the world to Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini, the heroes of this episode.

After season one was done, the next logical step was taken – LETS MAKE A MOVIE! And a movie, they made… “From Justin to Kelly” was a musical/rom-com/beach flick released in the summer of 2003. Considering how popular “American Idol” was, the film HAD to be a success, right?...

This week Ray teaches Rob about the departure of Brian Dunkleman, how apparently Ft. Lauderdale has a platform on the beach where you can tap dance, and how the guy who wrote the script for “Spice World”, also wrote this script. LEGEND!

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From Justin To Kelly Trailer

Kelly Clarkson – A Moment Like This (American Idol)

From Justin To Kelly...

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