Join us as we kick off a lively discussion exploring the complex subject of air permitting. We jump right in with the Clean Air Act and the role the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plays in regulating hazardous air pollutants. Shannon guides us through understanding both the EPA and the state's jurisdiction in air permitting, and reveals the unique system of air permitting regulations in Alaska. We discuss pre-approved limits issued by the state, a pivotal tool that allows certain industrial facilities to evade costly Title V permits. We also delve into two types of permit avoidance measures: pre-approved emission limits (PAEL) and owner requested limits (ORL). So, how does one determine if a facility is a PAEL or an ORL? Let's uncover that together in our latest episode of Tank Talk.
This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal or regulatory advice. We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may occur from using this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional regulatory or legal advice, and the views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host, which would be me or Integrity Environmental. Thank you very much for listening. We would be happy to provide professional regulatory advice as part of our consulting services if you need professional regulatory advice.
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