THE FOUNTAIN OF TALES | Stories Sotto Le Stelle Podcast | Short Stories For Children And The Young At Heart

Storie Sotto Le Stelle Podcast

10-02-2024 • 6 minuti


In here and there, in a country that no one knows where, nor when, in a place that doesn't exist, there was an enchanted square. In the middle stood a magical fountain with jets and water features. Opposite, there was a school surrounded by a small garden with two trees and eight flower pots. Above the square, the church with its bell tower dominated the scene.

The “Rainbow” ice cream shop, near the fountain, was the favorite spot for children. Their ice creams, served in a spectacular way, flew between the tables, creating a lively hustle and bustle.

When a child passed by the fountain, the water droplets magically turned into words and, in turn, into tales. These came to life, accompanied by a melody that filled the air.

One afternoon, after school, a group of children gathered in the square. After enjoying a “flying” ice cream, they began to play around the magical fountain. Suddenly, creating an enchanted atmosphere, the words came to life in the air: “Once upon a time,” and so the fairy tale began. Guided by the magic words of the fountain, the children lived an incredible adventure.

Among jets of water of every shape and color, they were transported to a distant land, a seemingly peaceful little kingdom: the Kingdom of the Sun. A magical land where it was always summer and sunflowers grew all year round to become giants.

While the children, for their amusement, explored the fantastic kingdom, something truly incredible and extremely dangerous happened. In one plantation first, and then in all the others, the sunflowers began to grow and grow, turning into terrifying dragons.

The flowers' corolla turned upside down to form a head with two bright, protruding lights for eyes, and a beak that looked like a hook. The yellow petals lengthened, transforming into a braided hairdo from which they drew strength. The green stem thickened enormously, forming the body of the dragons.

Suddenly and all together, the dragons began to march towards the castle and the surrounding city. Their steps were majestic, sounding like thunder, and their fiery footprints shone with sparks of every color. The dragons were impressive but above all wicked; their intentions were clear, they wanted to devastate the kingdom to conquer it.

The frightened children immediately began to run breathlessly to warn the inhabitants, but by a spell, along the way, they were transformed into little warriors. Dressed in golden armor, helmets adorned with colorful feathers like a rainbow on their heads, and fiery swords in their hands. Thus transformed, there was nothing to do but fight the evil dragons and save the Kingdom of the Sun.

They began to advance slowly and courageously towards the dragons, who, however, did not hesitate in their march. Despite their determination, the little warriors did not know how to stop them. The monsters were getting closer and closer, and soon they would reach them, when suddenly the clouds on the horizon opened and a leader appeared on a winged horse, who, in the blink of an eye, took command of the brave little warriors with his drawn and incandescent sword like the sun.

The task was dangerous, but now they were ready for battle! They followed the Knight who, with cunning and magical power, led them in the attack against the evil dragons.

The inhabitants of the kingdom, who had rushed to help the little heroes, stood still like incredulous spectators in front of these courageous children, who with the mysterious knight, in a storm of fire and sparks, were repelling the monstrous dragons. As they retreated, they began to shrink and their appearance changed into that of the bright sunflowers everyone knew and loved.

It was the Kingdom of the Sun and everything was now back to what it should be.

The flaming swords extinguished and the children turned towards the citizens of the kingdom who applauded and celebrated them with songs and dances. Together they shouted: "Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! For the Paladin of the Sun and his brave little allies."

And so peace returned to the kingdom of the sun. Bidding farewell with a bow, the knight and the winged horse continued on their way towards the horizon from which they had come, and at sunset, the children found themselves, by magic, in the enchanted square in front of the Fountain of Tales. An endless wonder, because from there, thanks to the magic words, every time the children stopped after school, they always lived new fantastic adventures.


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