THE FOUR FOUR-LEGGED ADVENTURERS + ONE (Read In English) | Stories Sotto Le Stelle Podcast | Short Stories For Children And The Young At Heart

Storie Sotto Le Stelle Podcast

14-05-2024 • 9 minuti


On the outskirts of a big city, there lived four little dogs who took a walk around the neighborhood every day to stretch their legs with their owners. They spent the rest of the time on armchairs or lying in the sun in the garden.

In a corner near the wall, behind the house, hidden by a tree, there were some old used and slightly broken objects. One of the dogs, named Tachi, decided to go exploring to see if there was anything interesting and found what seemed to be an old ball — but a bit strange, with a kind of leg.

"What could it be? It looks like a suspicious object!" she thought. "Better call reinforcements immediately. Woof, woof, woof!"

The other three rushed over, barking — just in case there was someone or something to scare off.

"A ball, a ball!" they shouted and got into position to play.

The most mischievous and smallest in size, Pippa, started to kick the object with her little paws but stopped immediately exclaiming, "Oh, but how hard this ball is!"

"It's hard indeed, silly, can't you see it's a globe?" said Luca and Lillo, the other two members of the family, while Tachi remained thoughtful and not entirely convinced.

But once it was clear what it was, they all started to observe it as, magically turning on itself, it showed distant countries they had heard about from their owners who, to tell the truth, were great wanderers!

At the end of the day, after many adventures, naps, a walk at sunset, and a good dinner, they all went to bed; but thinking about the globe, none of the four could sleep much. As soon as they closed their eyes, they began to travel with their imagination and thought of exciting adventures that transported them to unknown and fantastic places to visit.

In the morning, there was a lot of whispering. "Slept well?" they asked each other. "No, I traveled to unknown countries," "I thought of flying," "I of sailing the oceans," "I climbed very high mountains."

Thinking and thinking, they decided it would be really nice to turn these dreams into reality. They continued to chatter, and after a few hours, they all agreed and pronounced the fateful words: "We will be the four four-legged adventurers, traveling the world, all for one and one for all." The decision was made; but how could they start the adventure?

Luca thought of the old wise dachshund Ettore, who lived in the neighborhood and was a storyteller wizard by trade. They met him almost every day during their sunset walks. Ettore, sitting in front of his house, would narrate with sparkling eyes stories of fantastic travels to a group of puppies with their owners; all intent on listening.

Once they heard him tell about Paris and its majestic Eiffel Tower rising into the sky above the clouds, the imposing monuments, the huge gardens to visit and then, attention attention, croissants with butter and jam for breakfast, baguettes filled with all sorts of things for lunch, and succulent and tasty bones for dinner.

"Here’s who could help us: Ettore the Wizard Dachshund!” they exclaimed with joy.

Immediately, sneaking out of their garden, they passed through a small gap in the fence and headed towards Ettore's house. They arrived at five o'clock sharp, and Ettore invited them in for tea with cookies. The four adventurers, between one cookie and another, told him about the globe they found by chance and their desire for adventures.

The wizard dachshund, who had already guessed everything, said, "With a spell, I can accompany you around the world and visit a place of your choice."

The fantastic four four-legged adventurers shouted in unison, "Let's go to Paris!"

“With pleasure," replied Ettore.

All ready for departure, the wizard dachshund took his super magic wand, which he tapped three times on the ground "toc toc toc", and at the words "Woofwoof and Woofwoof" small glowing stars came out; each one took a dog by the paw, lifting them into the air, and following the wizard, they set off for the adventure.

At first, they closed their eyes in fear, but: "Look, look!” said their guide, and opening their eyes they saw they were flying over oceans, seas, mountains, lakes, cities, and enchanted forests: "How wonderful!”

Soon, suddenly, in the distance appeared the city of Paris. Floating like feathers in the wind, in a flash, they arrived almost touching the Eiffel Tower, which with its height, pierced the clouds passing through the middle. The group landed on the roofs of Paris: “How wonderful, Paris is really magical and fascinating!"

As they strolled through the streets of Montmartre, they decided to send a postcard to their owners to let them know about their trip.

To our house on the other side of the ocean.
Third street on the right.
Ninth on the left.
Garden with lemon tree.
Squirrels running around.
Possible hummingbird sighting.
City of who knows, go find out.

Shipping method:
Fast and magical light beam.
Signature required upon delivery.

After sending the postcard, they saw the famous Ferris wheel and without hesitation got on. On the second round, while enjoying the view of the city, an unexpected gust of wind made them spin in the air and fall into the water of the Seine with a splash, a "plop", and then a great movement of paws and a collective barking: "Woof help, woof help, woof help, woof help, save us, we can't swim!”

Luckily, a boat was slowly sailing right at that moment in the river. The crew rushed to save them all by throwing the lifeboat and pulling them on board.

At the same time as the rescue, a big trouble arose. The sailors were none other than pirate dogs. Black flags with skulls and crossbones waved on the boat.

The boatswain arrived on the deck of the ship and, scratching his nose, observed the scene, incredulous and also worried. The boat was on a special mission and carried a large treasure well hidden in the hold. Removing his round glasses, he said: “Oh, are you 007 spies?”

In doubt, the four dogs were taken prisoners and tied to the back of small chairs.

In that hubbub, the captain appeared on deck. He wore a bandana with skulls, a belt with pistols, a sword and boots, and an eyepatch over his right eye, but he didn't look threatening. He advanced towards the four prisoners with determined steps on the creaking wood of the deck. Staring at the four prisoners, he raised his sword and shouted authoritatively to his crew: "Stop everyone! I know these four dogs, they are my friends. Untie them immediately and offer them bones and croissants at will."

The pirate captain, approaching, said: “Oh, don’t you recognize me? I am Odi, my owner is a friend of yours." So, Tachi, Pippa, Luca, and Lillo, remembered him. They did somersaults with joy for being saved and for having found a great friend. Addressing the crew, he said, “I lived in their house, across the ocean, hosted by their owners and treated like a king.”

Late as a broken clock, the wizard dachshund, like a lightning bolt, arrived on deck ready to fight to defend the four four-legged adventurers, but he could do nothing but breathe a sigh of relief and greeted Odi the Pirate with a paw shake.

All happy and content, they spent a few hours of joy admiring Paris from the boat with their pirate friends. In the evening, Ettore the wizard dachshund organized the return trip, which included the pirate captain, Odi.

The five four-legged adventurers, once home, across the ocean, stretched out warmly by the fireplace, recounted their fantastic Parisian adventure.

Woof, woof, woof, woof, and woof.