Ep. 195 - How to Advocate for Healthcare | Robin Shapiro

TrailBlazers Impact

01-10-2021 • 35 minuti

Robin Shapiro is the founder of many for-profit and non-profit organizations all having to do with health advocacy. Robin is currently Board Chair of HealthAdvocateX, a national non-profit dedicated to helping people transform from patients to active participants and partners in their own care. She’s also a published author of The Secret Language of Healthcare: How to Ask for the Care You Deserve and regularly gives workshops on topics related to health advocacy. Robin Shapiro provides excellent advice when she says, “If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is that any of us might have to navigate the unknowns of the healthcare system at any moment – best to be prepared and not learn the system at the same time you enter it.” She advises to “Never ‘Go it Alone’ when you are navigating healthcare.” Listen in to learn the factors to consider in the initial stages of starting a business to ensure you’re off to a successful start. You will also hear why you should take the leap and pursue entrepreneurship without fear if that’s what you’re passionate about.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to use your passion and creativity as a stepping stone to starting your own business
  • The value of having at least one client when starting a business to ensure you’re not starting from zero
  • Why you should never go it alone when it comes to your healthcare
  • The importance of always prioritizing and taking care of your health and wellness


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