Ricki teaches people to love their food regardless of how restrictive their diet is. She’s spent 19 years following an anti-candida diet and now helps people learn to cook, eat, and live well so that they can focus on healing and enjoying their lives.
Through her programs and writing, she shares her passion for sugar-free, gluten-free, allergy-friendly recipes and healthy living. She has authored three bestselling cookbooks and has written for Simply Gluten-Free, Gluten-Free & More, Allergic Living, Clean Eating, The Globe and Mail, The Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, Kris Carr and others.
Candida loves sugar. If you’re going to get a handle on it you need to understand what the sugar-free landscape looks like. It’s not just swapping out sugar for Splenda. There are healthy and natural sweeteners to use instead. Today we discuss how to find the sweeteners that work for you and how you can cook with them.
What’s your favorite sugar alternative? Let me know in the comments!
“Even within that natural category, there might be something that isn’t unhealthy for a healthy person. But for someone who’s really sensitive to sugars, I have to think about other factors like the glycemic index, how quickly it raises your blood-sugar.” [3:40]
“If you’re a sweets addict like I am, what you don’t want to do is bake a brownie and eat half the thing in one sitting.” [9:36]
“There are definitely recipes for out there. If you want to try any of the things you’re used to, you can find recipes for all of the standard treats that use these low-glycemic sweeteners and are good.” [14:08]
Ricki's first episode on the Healthy Skin Show: How to tweak your diet to combat candida