**DISCLAIMER: Please note that the views of our podcast guests may not always align with the views of Nutritank**
For the last instalment of our food and mood series, we are lucky enough to have Dr Uma Naidoo as our guest: Harvard trained psychiatrist, professional chef and nutrition specialist (a real triple threat!)
Dr Naidoo and Ally discuss what inspired her to become a nutritional psychiatrist and how she came to found the first nutritional psychiatry clinic in the US. They also discuss the state of nutrition education in US medical schools and training programmes and some of the initiatives set up in order to ameliorate the gap in education, such as Culinary Medicine.
Dr Naidoo discusses the importance of learning to cook nutritious nourishing food and the positive impact that this can have on our mental and physical health. She is currently leading a Culinary Medicine programme at Harvard University, teaching first year medical students how to cook nutritious food at university.
Tune in to hear more about Dr Naidoo’s most recent publication – ‘This is your brain on food’ (US title)/ ‘The Food Mood Connection’ (UK title). Dr Naidoo has a wealth of knowledge in the field of nutritional psychiatry and we can guarantee there is much to be learnt from this episode of the podcast! We hope it will inspire you to get into your kitchen and cook a delicious and nourishing meal for both your mind and body!
Podcast show notes:
Uma Naidoo: https://umanaidoomd.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drumanaidoo/?hl=en
The Food Mood Connection: https://www.waterstones.com/book/the-food-mood-connection/dr-dr-uma-naidoo/9781780724409
The Nutrition source: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/