Kelly's Favorite Conversations: Shedding: What is Human Design & How It Can Help Find Your Purpose (The Velvet)

Velvet's Edge with Kelly Henderson

29-05-2024 • 57 minuti

Kelly welcomes Master Coach and Human Behavior Specialist, Emma Dunwoody, to give listeners the foundations of Human Design. Emma describes why reconnecting with her life purpose through modalities like Human Design healed her chronic depression, panic disorder and enabled her to thrive in ways she could have never even imagined. The women discuss the difference between Human Design and other personality tests, talk compatibility via HD and Emma breaks down the first pieces of each chart to help listeners understand how Human Design just may be the guide they need to find their life's purpose.
"When you can understand your human design chart, you understand your truth. Oftentimes when we're trying to change our lives, we're doing it the way we think we should do it. Whereas with human design, it's literally our energetic blueprint, and it flips the transformation process... You take a look at your energetic blueprint, and through that process, you can shed your conditioning and then create a mindset that supports the blueprint"

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Podcast: The Human Design Podcast with Emma Dunwoody

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