Epidsode 126: Christian Self Help and Listening to God’s Direction An interview with Debbie Adams.

The Holstein House Podcast

12-01-2024 • 31 minuti

Epidsode 126: Christian Self Help and Listening to God's Direction An interview with Debbie Adams.

In this special broadcast I interview Debbie Adams, Amazon Best Selling author, on her books Divine Promises - Trusting Gods Faithfulness, and Unlocking the Code to Bliss - a Southern Bell's Secret.

Mrs. Adams is a true Southern Girl, raised up in middle Tennessee on a farm with her parents. In her books, she shares her experiences in the deep, and long lasting spiritual valley's and how God called her to testify, and write her testimony for the benefit of others.

You may connect with Debbie via her webiste at: https://debbieadamsbooks.biz/

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