Kanye West 5 Crazy Moments of 2022

Before They Were Famous

30-12-2022 • 12 minuti

Genius, tyrannical, revolutionary, and dangerously egotistical, those are four descriptions that contrast in their own unique way, however, they are also 4 ways that one could describe the artist Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, and even then that's a very surface level way to put it. In the year 2022 Ye had probably one of the most unique years of his career from his creative endeavors to controversy and the wild statements he makes, now Ye really isn't a stranger to any of those things I mean you could make a list of the crazy things he's done every year but what this man has done in 2022 ladies and gentlemen is a different beast altogether. As I said Ye has always been controversial and polarising however this year we saw Ye shift from being someone who transcends, delivers nuance, and is divisive to someone who is just objectively wrong and some might even say harmful or dangerous. From disastrous album roll-outs to public disputes with his wife and Pete Davidson to embarking on a campaign of anti-Semitism that even made Alex Jones ayo bruh chill. Many dubs this as the year we lost Ye, obviously not in a literal sense the man is still here and well, but more in a cultural and social sense, Ye meant and did a lot for a lot of people so it was tough but many had to put their foot down and say they are done with Ye. So here are the 5 craziest things that Mr. West has done in the year 2022 right here on Before They Were Famous.

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