285 NOV 8 ELECTION: Maricopa County Election Fraud & Maladministration RECAP

Save My Freedom with Michele Swinick

30-06-2024 • 2 ore 51 minuti

SAVE MY FREEDOM TV...We're EXPOSING The Election FRAUD & CORRUPTION That Really Happened During The Nov 8, 2022 Election In Maricopa County, AZ + How Our "Election System Operation" Works NATIONWIDE...To Take Back Arizona & America! 4/21/24: Michele Swinick joins Jarome Bell on The Radical Republicans Show to do a RECAP on the Election Fraud she & Leo Donofrio have been EXPOSING since 12/29/23. It's 3 hours but LOADED with the FACTS! WATCH: https://rumble.com/v4r094w-285.html Election Fraud, Maladministration, Illegal Votes, Violations of Non-Technical Statutes (LAW) & PLANNED Chaos. The Evidence Is From The County's Official Election Returns, Records, Documents, Sworn Affidavits & More...ALL  AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC & FREE! It was an Administrative Insurrection Election Tragedy! Counties CONTROL The RESULTS, NOT The Voters! WATCH - READ - SHARE THE ELECTION FRAUD EVIDENCE - WE NEED YOUR HELP & PLEASE JOIN US: www.SaveMyFreedom.us * JOIN & SUBSCRIBE To The "Save My Freedom" Movement + The Arizona & America Take Action Center (AA-TAC)! We Need All Warriors In The Country Supporting & Joining Us...Taking Back America & WINNING Nov 5th Depends On Maricopa County SETTING ASIDE (Null & Void) DO-OVER The Nov 8th Election NOW! Please UPGRADE Your Substack Subscription For Only $10 A Month / $99.99 Year! OR "Freedom Lover" For $199 🚨 DONATE 1 Time To Support Our Movement, Podcast & Investigative Work: www.GiveSendGo.com/SaveMyFreedom WATCH ALL ELECTION FRAUD VIDEOS: www.TakeActionItems.com

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