Epi 21 :: Gardner Dunn :: Suntory Whisky Toki™

Designated Drinker Show

01-03-2018 • 36 minuti

Get the featured cocktail recipe: Suntory Whisky Toki™ Drummers, Bartenders, Experts...Oh, my!

On this episode, meet Designated Drinker Gardner Dunn. His fascinating journey begins in Rando Beach, where he’s parents’ appreciation for Japanese art and tradition left a lasting impression on him. His pursuit for a degree in music took him and his drumsticks to big sky country. Yes, that’s Montana. As a pizza delivery guy and attending his during his 3rd year of college, he was asked to join the Chris Hiatt Band, which was an offer too good to let pass by. This sets him on a journey he would have never imagined. From a professional drummer on the “Warp Tour” to becoming the ambassador of award-winning Suntory Japanese Whiskys, Gardner’s travels have taken him to all corners of the world, and back.

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Click to learn more about Suntory Whisky Toki™.

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